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Jatayu telling Ravana the source of his strength - which version of Ramayana has this?

I am watching a serial on Ramayana in which Ravana tricks Jatayu as Jatayu tries to stop him from abducting Sita. As the fight seems headed to a stalemate, Ravana suggests that they should both tell ...
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How old was Jatayu when he fought Ravana?

Jatayu in Ramayana was a vulture who fought against Ravana, while the latter was abducting Sita. What was Jatayu's age during his fight against Ravana?
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
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How was Jatayu able to fight with Ravana?

As I heard, Jatayu was able to fight Ravana and almost won. How big he was in size and using what power was he able to fight with Ravana? Do any scriptures say about his power? What are the other ...
Kailash Chandra Polai's user avatar
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What was the reward given by Sri Rama to Jatayu for fighting Ravana?

Jatayu has a very significant place in the Ramayana epic. When Jatayu saw the mighty Ravana abducting Sita {Goddess Lakshmi} he put up a courageous fight to free Sita {Goddess Lakshmi}, from the all ...
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