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Why did ravana live for so long?

How could someone like ravana with not so many good karmas live for so long?
2 votes
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Why Wasn’t Ravan Punished For His Sins

I understand that Ravan was one of the door guards in Vaikunth, then he messed up and didn’t let in the child saints to see Narayan, then he had to take birth three times as enemy of Narayan. After ...
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Why did Ravana get to live so lavishly?

The same goes for Kansa. Why did they get to live so lavishly? When dharma says work hard to earn your merit then why did they get to live so lavishly?
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Why did Ravana, Kansa die such easy deaths?

I mean people who were slaughtered by them died so severely while on the other hand they died so easily without much so pain ?