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Use this tag for questions regarding other gitas like Shiva Gita, Rama Gita, etc., For bhagavad Gita, use [bhagavad-gita]
understanding these slokas of the shiva gita
The Siva Gita propounds knowledge of the Supreme, and when knowledge of the Supreme is attained there remains nothing to be done. … So Sutaji answers why giving the knowledge of Siva Gita causes anger in the gods. …
Tenets of Hinduism in short
So the Gita says the scriptures are the authority regarding what should be done and what shouldn't be done:
One should therefore understand what is duty and what is not duty by the regulations of the …
What is 'Tapa' in Hinduism?
Yes, the Bhagavad Gita says it in the following verse:
tyājyaṁ doṣa-vad ity eke karma prāhur manīṣiṇaḥ
yajña-dāna-tapaḥ-karma na tyājyam iti cāpare [BG - 18.3]
Some learned men declare that all … The 17th chapter of Bhagavad Gita states the different types of tapa. They are: Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic.
1. …
Is Hinduism religious philosophy mono-theistic (Paratma) or bi-theistic (Prakriti and Purush)?
Now regarding Gita, it does talk about prakruti, the female counter part. Prakruti is shakti (energy), God is shaktimaan (reservoir or withholder of energy). … So God is the controller of the two:
eṣa vai bhagavān sākṣāt pradhāna-puruṣeśvaraḥ [SB - 7.15.27]
- God Himself is indeed the lord of pradhana (prakruti) and purusha
And the 13th chapter of Gita …