Yes, the people (with bad Karma) will still go to the hells in Kali Yuga.
In fact, Puranas, like Bhavisya Purana, state that hells will over-populated in Kali Yuga. So, that means, compared to the other three Yugas, more people will have to visit hells, in Kali Yuga.
At the end of the Kali's second half there would neither by the
institutions of marriages, nor Kingships, nor any social reformer and
not even a Karma Karta! The World would be full of the progeny of
Bhogi Simha and Keli Simha and this kind of a situation devoid of
customs and social norms woud prevail for one and quarter lakh years!!
In the Third Quarter of Kali Yuga, the average age of human beings
would be twenty six years maximum;They would be too lustful and
produce too many children and resort to affairs with co-males and
animals!....... In the fourth phase of Kali Yuga the maximum age of
humans would not exceed tewnty years and live like water-beasts and
animals; hells like Tamistra and worse kinds of frightening Places
of Retribution would be over-populated
Source: The Book "Essence of Bhavishya Purana"