This is a very confusing thing I see in Indian religions.
They say one's own karma is the cause of both joy (in whichever form, be it mental joy, materialistic joy, money, gold, relationships, etc, or even spiritual bliss) as well as the cause of one's suffering (again be it of any type).
But if I am the maker of my own destiny via my own karma, then where does god even come into the picture here?
Why is God said to be the giver of wealth as in
"That great, birthless Self is the eater of food and the giver of wealth (the fruits of one's work)" (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 4.4.24)
I seriously don't get it.
I am the one doing my karma, so I reap my fruit. Why is it said, "God is a blessing" to me then?
Also, if God indeed is a giver, then why doesn't he give to everyone? Why some are more fortunate than others?