"De l’aquatique triplicité naîtra
D’un qui fera le jeudi pour sa fête:
Son bruit, los, regne, sa puissance croîtra,
Par terre et mer aux Orients tempête"
From the three water signs will be born a man
who will celebrate Thursday as his holiday.
His renown, praise, rule and power will grow
on land and sea, bringing trouble to the East.
(Century I, Quatrain 50)
Thursday is a holiday for only Hindus.
"Religion du nom des mers vaincra,
Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif :
Secte obstinée déplorée craindra
Des deux blessés par Aleph et Aleph"
The Religion of the name of the seas will conquer
Against the sect, son of Adaluncatif:
The stubborn, lamented sect will be afraid
Of the two wounded by Aleph and Aleph.
(Century X, Quatrain 96)
In geography, one finds the Hind Mahasagar (Indian Ocean). Also, the name "Hindu" itself comes from the name "Sindhu". Sindhu means ocean in Sanskrit. This is the only religion whose name has any connection with the sea. "Adaluncatif" is a word invented by Nostradamus. "Alef and Alef" is often amended to the first letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Nostradamus had a Jewish root.
Reference for verses -
Les Propheties by Nostradamus translated by Edgar Leoni