Dyuta Parva—Section 57—KMG
Para 1—"King Yudhishthira the just having said this unto Vidura, commanded that preparations for his journey might be made without loss of time. And the next day, the king accompanied by his relatives and attendants and taking with him also the women of the household with Draupadi in their midst, set out for the capital of the Kurus.”
After reaching and meeting with all—Dhritrasthtra’s sons were also there!!
Para 2— “And those tigers among men, having conversed with the ladies went through their daily physical exercises and then performed the religious rites of the day. And having finished their daily devotions, they decked their persons with sandal paste of the most fragrant kind. And desiring to secure good luck and prosperity they caused (by gifts) the Brahmanas to utter benedictions. And then eating food that was of the best taste they retired to their chambers for the night.
Para 3—And those bulls among the Kurus then were put to sleep with music by handsome females. And obtaining from them what came in due succession, those subjugators of hostile towns passed with cheerful hearts that delightful night in pleasure and sport. And waked by the bards with sweet music, they rose from their beds, and having passed the night thus in happiness, they rose at dawn and having gone through the usual rites, they entered into the assembly house and were saluted by those that were ready there for gambling."
“And waked by the bards with sweet music, they rose from their beds, and having passed the night thus in happiness, they rose at dawn and having gone through the usual rites, they entered into the assembly house and were saluted by those that were ready there for gambling."
——-Similar sort of paras are also in BORI CE edition.
My first question is who are “those tigers among men” & “those bulls among the Kurus” in the first and 2nd para respectively?
Both words, especially the bull among the Kurus have been used for both The Pandavas and Son of Dhritarashtra.
By looking at the 3rd Para it looks to me that the Above para was only for Pandavas—This is my interpretation.
My second question is if the words are only for Pandavas, then who are the females mentioned (in 2nd para) And women of the household (1st para )?--other than Draupadi and Shubhadra as they are mentioned