Where can I find English translation of complete Garuda Purana online?
Related question: Complete English translations of Puranas
Where can I find English translation of complete Garuda Purana online?
Related question: Complete English translations of Puranas
The Motilal Banarsidass translation of Garuda Purana by J.L. Shastri is an unabridged translation and can be downloaded using the link below or from this answer.
Garuda Purana English - Motilal - 3 Volumes in 1 (PDF, 120 MB)
1184 pages
Vol. 1 begins at page # 1
Vol. 2 begins at page # 429
Vol. 3 begins at page # 839
I was also able to find a free copy of an abridged English translation of Garuda Purana by M.N. Dutt (Manmatha Nath Dutt) at two different places:
Google Books++: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=0Fwxjf4IM78C
Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/garudapuranam00duttgoog
Proofread HTML: http://www.wisdomlib.org/hinduism/book/the-garuda-purana-dutt
If you prefer PDF file, it's available via this direct link (32 MB).
++ One advantage with the Google Books format is that it's searchable!