Where does in Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna say that:
"Who worship demigods will get material desires, but to get moksha one must worship me only."
Where does in Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna say that:
"Who worship demigods will get material desires, but to get moksha one must worship me only."
"Who worship demigods will get material desires"
Refers to following verses,
BG 4.12 - Acting desirous of success, those who worship the demigods (deva/raksha/preta/pitru) here in this human world, the success happens quickly from those actions
BG 7.22 - Filled with that faith, that person engages in worshiping that form, and gets those very desired results as they are dispensed by Me alone.
Following concept can be found in many verses:
"to get moksha one must worship me only."
Prominent verses are:
BG 4.10 - Many who were devoid of attachment, fear and anger, who were absorbed in Me, who had taken refuge in Me, and were purified by the austerity of Knowledge, have attained My state. [Gambhirananda]
BG 9.25 - Those go to divine, who worship divine; Those go to ancestors@, who worship ancestor; Those go to ghosts, who worship ghosts; Those come to "Me", who worship "Me"
@-Sanskrit word is pitru, but it can also mean those with Raksha or demon quality; This verse co-relates to sattva, rajas, tamas of BG 17.4