If we desire for desirelessness isn't it a desire ?
Yes, it is indeed a desire, Which is necessary.
Does karmas takes place in these kinds of actions ?
Gita explains this in form of " निष्काम कर्म " or " Selfless deeds "
Lord Krishna said in Gita that One can not live with Karma, even if you are sitting ideal there is karma going on.
Karma should be done in state of keeping the mind in tranquility which means selfless deeds.
This is common misunderstanding but important to understand that Krisha does not mean we should not have desire or ambition while doing निष्काम कर्म
Example: In office or in business we always want more for more prosperity in our life which is good, but keep in mind that instead or promotion or success in business, you may be kicked out of company or business may fall down.
So now what should be the state of mind, we are not the controller of what happens outside our body, but inside we can control and if we do not give the remote control of our emotions or desires to outside people and situation would be better, it sounds easy but trust me its very difficult.
At last we always see paradoxical points in spirituality, that is why it is said spirituality is a journey from known to unknown.
There has to be a powerful desire (तीव्र इच्छा) to get Mukti or Moksha.
So in short as Buddha said find the point in middle, means there has to be balance in life.