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Viśvakarman helping Indra kill his son

Tvaṣt is also known as Viśvakarman. His sons Trishira and Vritra were killed by Indra using Vajra weapon. From Dadhichi's bone, Viśvakarman made those Vajra and other divine weapons. Why did ...
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What's the relationship between the importance of understanding Vedas properly and Vritrasura incident?

Vritrasura is a demon in the Vedic and Puranic literature, who is killed by Indra. I heard someone saying that there is some relation between this story and the importance of understanding the Vedas ...
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Vrtra's "nameless body/secret place"

I've been reading up on the Rg Veda and find one verse peculiar. अति॑ष्ठन्तीनामनिवेश॒नानां॒ काष्ठा॑नां॒ मध्ये॒ निहि॑तं॒ शरी॑रम् । वृ॒त्रस्य॑ नि॒ण्यं वि च॑र॒न्त्यापो॑ दी॒र्घं तम॒ आश॑य॒दिन्द्र॑शत्रुः ॥ ...
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Why did Vishnu help Indra to kill the blameless Vritra in the Uttara-ramayana? “It is said in the Puranas that the magnanimous Vasava, sullied by the sin of brahmanicide, was cleansed by performing ...
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Why didn't any sin attach to Vishnu when he actively aided Indra in killing Vrtra?

How did Vishnu help Indra in killing Vritra? And Vishnu said, 'I am no doubt bound to do what is for your good. I shall, therefore, tell you of a contrivance whereby he may be annihilated. Do ye with ...
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Why did Indra kill Vritra and why did Bhagwan Vishnu help him?

As far as I know, Indra and Vritra came to an agreement after the war and became friends. Then why did Indra kill Vritra? And why did Bhagwan Vishnu help him? Did Vritra commit any sinful act?
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What is the inner meaning of the phrase dark wombs (kṛṣṇayonīḥ) in the Rig Vedic mantra II.20.7?

Rig Veda II.20.7 says स वृ॑त्र॒हेन्द्र॑: कृ॒ष्णयो॑नीः पुरंद॒रो दासी॑रैरय॒द्वि । अज॑नय॒न्मन॑वे॒ क्षाम॒पश्च॑ स॒त्रा शंसं॒ यज॑मानस्य तूतोत् ॥७॥ sa vṛtrahendraḥ kṛṣṇayonīḥ purandaro dāsīrairayad vi | ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
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Why was Agni eulogised as Lord of slayers of VRITRA in Rig Veda III.16.1?

Rig Veda III.16.1, dedicated to AGNI, says: ayamaghniḥ suvīryasyeśe mahaḥ saubhaghasya | rāya īśe svapatyasya ghomata īśe vṛtrahathānām || The translation of this mantra by H.H. Wilson(P.12) is ...
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