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Agni (Sanskrit: अग्नि), is a Hindu deity, one of the most important of the Vedic gods. He is also known as God of Fire.

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Can vedic gods like Indra or Agni understand English

Can gods mentioned in the vedas like Indra, Varuna, Agni, Vayu understand english. Can you pray to them in English or do you have to strictly stick to sanskrit to pray to them even if you are praying ...
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I wanted to learn the exact steps along with mantras to do nitya agni at home

I wanted to learn the exact steps along with mantras to do nitya agni at home. I have attained dwija. I wanted to know about all the yagnas like brahma yagya etc. The detailed steps. Could anyone post ...
Ravi Bhaskar's user avatar
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Before the daily fire ritual - what is the purification?

This information coming from a Tamil Brahmin based on reference to Mahaperiyava's instructions and book on Achamanam written by the great Vedic Scholar Sri Sharma Sastrigal. Aachamana a.A ...
ajitdas's user avatar
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Who or which fire is it that consumes a dead body on the funeral pyre.?

Who is Agni Kravyad? People know that fire is sacred to Hindus and Zoroastrians. Jews had it on the main altar of the one allowed Temple of Yahwah, when it existed. Some consider consigning body to ...
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Did Sita pray to Agni not to burn hanuman's tail when ravana's people set it on fire?

I remember this as folklore - but is it present in any major Ramayana version?
S K's user avatar
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Fanning fire during Homa/Sacrifice

I have seen during homa/fire sacrifices air is blown by using fan (handheld fans/plates/etc.). I was always told that blowing through mouth is impure (because may be saliva dropping on fire). However, ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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Was Agni god of death before Yama?

Yama is son of Surya . Who was god of death before Yama ? Was the post held by Agni , I had read about it somewhere that Agni was god of death before Yama. When was Yama born ?
river's user avatar
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Did Lord Rama know that Ravana was going to come?

In the famous serial Ramayana that aired on DoorDarshan, I saw Lord Rama saying he knew that Ravana was going to come. Then he asked Lord Agni to safeguard Sita and create an illusionary Sita. Is this ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Was Buddha reincarnation of Agni?

Was buddha the reincarnation of vedic god agni? āga means fire. the pali way is tathāgata. the jain way is tathāgaya. blue_ego's way is tathajāta.
blue_ego's user avatar
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What is the meaning of Rig Veda, Shakhala Shakha, Aitareya Brahman 1.1.1.?

In the Aitareya Brahman section of the Rig Veda, under the Shakhala Shakha school, in verse 1.1.1, it states the following. अग्निर्वै देवनामवमो विष्णुः परमः तदन्तरं सर्व देवताः agnirvai devanamavamo ...
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What is the relationship between Agni and Yama?

Agni - God of Fire Yama - God of Death. What is the relationship between them?
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Where in the Vedas does it declare as “Agnisomatmakam Jagat”?

I know “Agnisomatmakam jagat” is mentioned in Mahabharata and in a few Upanishads and other texts but where in the Vedas is this principle declared. Which Veda? Which verse and which hymn?
Rubysmith's user avatar
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Gold as substitute for Agni in sacrifices

While explaining the origin of gold, Vasishta says It is well-known that gold is the offspring of Agni. When fire is not obtainable (for the purposes of a sacrifice), gold is used as substitute. ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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Indra and Agni as Bṛhaspati/Brahmaṇaspati in Vedas

Why are Indra and Agni both regarded as Bṛhaspati in Rigveda 10.112.9 and 3.26.2, respectively? Rig-Veda 2.23.1 ग॒णानां॑ त्वा ग॒णप॑तिं हवामहे क॒विं क॑वी॒नामु॑प॒मश्र॑वस्तमं । ज्ये॒ष्ठ॒राजं॒ ब्रह्म॑णां ...
MitraVaruna's user avatar
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How does the word 'Agni' acquire its traditional meaning as fire?

Literally, अग्नि = अंग् + नि, नलोपश्च। And the root verb अंग् means "to revolve". The meaning of the suffix नि , I couldn't find anywhere, and then suddenly we start associating अग्नि with ...
Awe Kumar Jha's user avatar
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Who was Śukī, and what is the full story of Agni's desire for Śukī?

Srimad Bhagavatam says, Mahārāja Barhiṣat — henceforward known as Prācīnabarhi — was ordered by the supreme demigod Brahmā to marry the daughter of the ocean named Śatadruti. Her bodily features were ...
MassEnquirer's user avatar
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Should fire generated by match-sticks or petroleum-based products be used in homa?

In the Bṛhat Tantrasāra, it is stated that fire used for Tāntrika homa should belong to any one of the following categories : It should be generated by araṇi wood. It should be generated by stone (i....
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Stotra/Stuti from scriptures that confers same benefit as performing an agnihotra

I heard that there are some stotras or stutis in Mahabharata that have phala shruti in them which says that reciting that particular set of verses confers equivalent benefit as having done agnihotra ...
Vijay Sharma's user avatar
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preserving Agnihotra in present days?

I have heard in olden days, People used to preserve the Agni used in marriage ritual and the same agni was used for cremation of the same pair wedded. My question is, how this Agni was preserved and ...
TheLittleNaruto's user avatar
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Sanskrit mantra of Sarasvati in agni purana to expand intelligence

Consider the following verses from Agni Purana regarding the goddess Sarasvati The chief mantra, that is (known as) Sarasvati (Goddess of learning), that which has the letters that have the directive ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Why did Bhrigu got angry with Agni when what Agni said was True, Pauloma was his wife?

I read the story of Pauloma in Mahabharat but couldn't understand the reason of Bhrigu's anger.
Rt235's user avatar
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Do agni's immortality contradicts gita 2:27?

RV 3.26.7 अग्निरस्मि जन्मना जातवेदाः घृतं मे चक्षुरमृतं म आसन् । अर्कस्त्रिधातू रजसो विमानो अजस्रो घर्मो हविरस्मि नाम ॥ “I am Agni, omniscient by birth, Light is my eye and Immortality is my mouth. I ...
Dark Knight's user avatar
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अग्निः सजीवः अस्ति अथवा निर्जीवः (Is Agni alive or dead entity)? [duplicate]

According to Hinduism, things like stone etc are called निर्जीव or अचेतन (dead) because stone has no consciousness and it doesn't feel pain. The same goes for Agni, it looks like निर्जीव, but Veda ...
Lokesh's user avatar
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How to practise fire worship in modern times?

Is there a simple way to practise fire worship more suited to modern times and not too complex and time-taking?
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Who are the eight vasus?

The list of 33 types of gods in Hinduism comprises 12 Adityas, 8 vasus, among others. The 12 Adityas are said to be sons of Aditi and include Varuna the water god, Vivasvan or Surya. The 8 vasus ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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Why was Agni eulogised as Lord of slayers of VRITRA in Rig Veda III.16.1?

Rig Veda III.16.1, dedicated to AGNI, says: ayamaghniḥ suvīryasyeśe mahaḥ saubhaghasya | rāya īśe svapatyasya ghomata īśe vṛtrahathānām || The translation of this mantra by H.H. Wilson(P.12) is ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
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Who was the Manu that Rig Veda referring to?

Rig Veda II.10.6 says जञेया भागं सहसानो वरेण तवादूतासो मनुवद वदेम | अनूनमग्निं जुह्वा वचस्या मधुप्र्चं धनसाजोहवीमि || jñeyā bhāghaṃ sahasāno vareṇa tvādūtāso manuvad vadema | anūnamaghniṃ ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
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Why Rig Veda II.7.5 says that Agni was the descendant of Bharata?

Rig Veda II.7.5 says as follows: तवं नो असि भारताग्ने वशाभिरुक्षभिः | अष्टापदीभिराहुतः || Translation of H.H. Wilson is as follows: AGNI. descendant of Bharata, thou art entirely ours, when ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
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Are there other instances of agni-pariksha in vedic scriptures?

We all know the famous agni-pariksha of Srimati Sita Devi from Sri Valmiki Ramayana, so I was wondering are there any other instances of Agni-pariksha described in vedas, puranas or itihasas?
Prakash K's user avatar
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Did Agni take incarnation among men as per Rig Veda II.4.2?

Rig Veda II.4 is dedicated to Agni. RV II.4.2 says as follows: इमं विधन्तो अपां सधस्थे दवितादधुर्भ्र्गवो विक्ष्वायोः | एष विश्वान्यभ्यस्तु भूमा देवानामग्निररतिर्जीराश्वः || Translation of H.H. ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
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Was worship of 3 times mentioned in Rig Veda III.4.2, a precursor to performing of Sandhyavandana 3 times a day?

Rig Veda III.4.2, dedicated to Āprīs, says as follows: यं देवासस्त्रिरहन्नायजन्ते दिवे-दिवे वरुणो मित्रो अग्निः | सेमं यज्ञं मधुमन्तं कर्धी नस्तनूनपाद घर्तयोनिं विधन्तम || yaṃ ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
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Why agni is known as jaatavedas? [duplicate]

A shloka of Kena Upanishad says: tey agnim abruvan jaataveda etad vijaanihi kim etad yaksham iti tatheti Agni – Fire, is called jaatavedas – ‘the knower of the Vedas.’ My question: Why is agni ...
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Is there any scriptural injuctions that says leaving 'Agni-seva' is a sin in kaliyuga?

Agni-seva was treated as a noble virtue in the Vedic ages. Is there any scriptural injuctions that says leaving 'Agni-seva' is a sin in kaliyuga?
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Did Agni refuse to burn Sati at the Daksha Yagna?

Devdutt Pattanaik says this in one of his talks - when Agni wouldn't burn her, Sati burnt herself with her own internal fire, according to him. Is there scriptural basis for this?
S K's user avatar
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How was the behavior of Agni before he was cursed by Bhrigu?

How was the behavior of Agni before he was cursed by Bhrigu to be "Sarva bhakshakha" (consumer of all things)?
Amruth Kumar's user avatar
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How are offerings communicated from Agni to other gods?

During homa we give food to Agni (pour oblations in fire) but how will that food reach those particular deva's?
harish android's user avatar
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Difference between Naishtika Brahmacharya and Sanyasa

What is the difference between Naishtika Brahmacharya and Sanyasa. Specifically in the context of 'Agni'. Since Sanyasa involves 'agni-tyaga'. Does Naishtika Brahmacharya also involve 'Agni-tyaga'?
mlprof_24's user avatar
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Which verse of taittiriya brAhmana talks of extinguishing agnihotra fire as sinful?

The book Hindu Dharma (comprised of speeches given by Chandrashekarendra Saraswati) states in this chapter that: The Taittiriya Brahmana has it that to extinguish the agnihotra fire is to earn ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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Who are the seven mothers who taught Agni?

While reading the Sama Veda I came across a hymn to Agni which states something interesting: Agni, thy faithful servant I call upon thee with many a gift, As in the keeping of the great ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
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Why were the Saptarishis prevented from having relations with their wives?

Shatpatha Brahmana 2.1.2 gives the details about setting up sacrificial fires under the Krittikas (Pleiades constellation) and mentions something interesting: He may set up the two fires under the ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
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Who is the 'messenger' of Asuras and what is his story?

Shatapatha Brahmana 1.4.1 mentions how Agni was chosen by the gods as their messenger: He recites [the eighth sâmidhenî]: 'Agni we choose as messenger!' Now the gods and the Asuras, both of them ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
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What is the story of the three previous Agnis who passed away?

The Shatapatha Brahmana 1.3.3 mentions the following interesting conversation between Agni and the other gods: He then lays the (three) enclosing-sticks (paridhi) around (the fire). The reason ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
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Have Devas like Indra, Agni, Varun ever done tapasya in order to counter attack Asuras?

We all know that asuras like Mahisasura, Hiranyakashipu, Tarakasur and many others did severe tapasya to impress either Brahma, Vishnu or Mahesh in order to seek various powers/boon so that they could ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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Who is the Rishi Lamagayana, relative of Agni’s wife Svaha?

This excerpt from the Gopatha Brahmana of the Atharvana Veda describes the goddess Svaha, wife of Agni the fire god: Svaha was born of truth, she was made by the Brahman, and she is of the same ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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What are the five kind of offerings and vedic hymns Srimad Bhagavatham is referring to?

In this verse from Srimad Bhagavatham 4.7.41, Fire God is praising Narayana. The fire-god said: My dear Lord, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You because by Your favor I am as luminous as ...
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What is the relation of Surya & Yama with Agni?

Rig Veda Book 10, Hymn 21 is dedicated to Agni and mentions the following: 4 O Agni, what thou deemest wealth, Victorious and Immortal One! Bring thou to give us vigour,—at your glad carouse -...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
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Is Agni and Vayu great because RigVeda eulogized them or are they not great because they're subject to ego in Kenopanishad?

The opening hymn of Rig Veda is for Agni , the god of fire I am assuming . And then there are many more hymns , but then there're ones for Vayu, Mitra, Indra, and so on for the other deities. The ...
Curious Seeker's user avatar
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Do any verses in the Vedas declare Agni to be the Highest Brahman?

After seeing this answer, I wish to know whether there are any verses declare Agni to be Highest Brahman (since he is frequently mentioned as Indra). Are there any such verses?
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Why Agni is called 'twice born' in Rigveda?

Agni is called twice born in RigVeda abhi dvi janma tri rochanani vishva rajansi shushuchano asthat | hota yajistho apam sadhaste".(RV.1.149.4) - Griffith translates as -'He, doubly born, hath ...
B.N. Bhaskar's user avatar
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To whom the Durga suktam Of Rig veda is addressed To?

The Durga or Agni Suktam is an ancient hymn Of Rig Veda. So is this hymn addressed to Agni deva or Durga maa? If it is addressed to Agni deva then why it calls Agni as destroyer of hurdle as Durga maa?...
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