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Questions tagged [reference-request]

For questions asking for reference to particular Shloka, event, etc in scriptures.

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Where is this citation in the Vana Parva of the Mahabharata? This is a Hindi talk in which the speaker says (around 6:59) (1) A faith that opposes another faith is not a faith but a heresy (2) Only a faith that doesn't ...
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Resource Request: Copies of the various biographies of Shri Adi Sankaracharya

I am interested in learning about the various biographies of Shri Adi Shankaracharya. My interest sprouted when I was reading about the traditional and historical views of the Acharya in this link. ...
Debbie's user avatar
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Where is the following verse about brahmanas found?

Is there a passage or verse in any scripture that explains that a brahmana should be happy with whatever money comes out of its own accord?
Harsh's user avatar
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Where is the following verse about guru found?

Ekakshara pradataram gurur iti vidhyate. (Even if someone teaches one letter, He is to be considered a Guru.) where is that verse found?
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Where is the following verse about mantras found?

"Manasaiva yacchati, kamaye mahad artham, Tasya vidyarthi bhavati, na cha vidyarthinaḥ." "One who chants mantras with a pure mind, achieves great wealth and prosperity, but not one who ...
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Which Purana discusses Radha Vallah Lal Ji?

Which Purana discusses Radha Vallah Lal Ji?
Karan Purviya's user avatar
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Where is the following verse found? (alir bāṇo jyotiṣakaḥ...)

Where is this verse found? alir bāṇo jyotiṣakaḥ stabdhībhūtaḥ kimekakaḥ preṣita-preṣakaś caiva ṣaḍ ete sevakādhamāḥ
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Where is the following vedic verse found? ("Aham aryah adadat bhumim")

Aham aryah adadat bhumim (I have given the earth to Aryans.) It is often quoted in Arya samaj, but where is it found?
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Where is the following description about discipleship present?

Where is the following description about discipleship present? It was said by Krishna in Bhagavatam I think... "The student should stay like a dog in a preceptor's house"
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Rama's question to Hanuman and his reply [duplicate]

When where and why ( context ) did Rama ask him when Hanuman replied to him thus: Deha Budhhya thadasoham, Jeeva Budhhya thadamsakah, Athmabudhhya thwamevaham,ithyenam mamanischayaha ?
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From which scripture does the story of a king and Brahmin comes?

Does anyone know which scripture has the below story about a king and a Brahmin? A Brahmin had daughter whom he wanted to get married, since he was poor and can't afford, he decided to steal. He ...
nunam's user avatar
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What is the source of the motto of the Border Roads Organisation (B.R.O), Shramena Sarvam Sadhyam?

What is the source of the motto of the Border Roads Organisation (B.R.O), Shramena Sarvam Sadhyam? Is it mentioned in any of the hindu scriptures? If yes, then which one exactly? If no, then where did ...
Utkarsh Sinha's user avatar
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Is there any mention of Rama worship in Scriptures?

I respect Lord Ram, but is there any mention of Lord Ram worship in any scripture?
Harsh's user avatar
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Verses 5-42-45 from Mahabharata related to Pramada

I am looking for the exact Sanskrit verse from Mahabharata related to Pramada. as per wikipedia Pramada is defined as below Pramada understood as wrong perception of the nature of the world amounts to ...
nunam's user avatar
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In which scripture is this line found? "Venkatesa samo deva na bhuto na bhavisyat..."

In which scripture is this found? Venkatesa samo deva na bhuto na bhavisyati Venkatesa samo deva bramhande nasti kinchana
Harsh's user avatar
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Where is the story of rishi Panchami in scriptures?

In which scripture is the story of Rishi panchami described?
Harsh's user avatar
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Is it possible to get liberation(moksha) just by believing something?

Even if a man cannot act up to the precepts of the Jain religion, he crosses the sea of pain and misery if he only believes this to be the only true religion in the world." Prakaran Ratnakar, ...
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Did Ramji kill the people of Lanka at night and burn their houses?

Did Ramji kill the people of Lanka at night and burn their houses? A Youtube video says so.
Sophie Clad's user avatar
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Where is this verse found in sastras?

Where is this verse found in sastras? One may be a bramhachari or grihastha or a old man as soon as one gets vairagya one may renounce.. Is there a line with such a purport?
Harsh's user avatar
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Which scripture mentiones about Goddess Gandheswari?

Sometimes ago, i have saw the picture of a goddess named Gandheswari and she is considered as the one saves her devotee from an asura. But, Which scriptures mention about her? If yes, is it also had ...
Boovanaes's user avatar
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Meaning of "ऋतस्य श्रृंगमुर्विया विपप्रथे।"

What would be the translation of this verse and is it from rigved? Is there any commentary available for this? ऋतस्य श्रृंगमुर्विया विपप्रथे।
Akash's user avatar
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Despite Vritrasura, are other dragons mentioned in the scriptures?

I know that Vritrasura is mentioned as dragon in Vedas, from this question. However, i also wanted to know about is any other mentions of dragons in any scripture. So my question is, despite ...
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Does Agasthyagama lizard mentioned in any scriptures?

When, i heard that there was lizard named, "Agasthyagama". I was surprised that this creature's name is in Sanskrit and make sense that this creature can be mentioned in any of our ...
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Reference for Sloka “yo sau deva vishwadeepa pradeepaa“

Can someone help me to get the full sloka in which one phrase goes like “yo sau dEvO vishwadeepa pradeepa” It could be in bhagavatam or some Madhwa grantha.
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Bhavishya Purana Copy

I have been looking online for a copy of the Bhavishya Purana and I only found Hindi and Sanskrit copies on internet archive. These are the ones I cannot read that well. I was able to find a bengali ...
Debbie's user avatar
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Do any Hindu Scriptures talk about Mahavira or any other Jain Tirthankaras?

Jainism, unlike Buddhism, has a cordial relation with Hinduism. Jains even accept that Rama was a divine incarnation. Hindu scriptures do talk about Buddha. I wonder whether Hindu scripture mentions ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Where in the Ramayana is it said that all the gods worship sage Agastya while the sage himself worships Śiva alone?

Śrī Appayya Dīkṣita mentions this in his Rāmāyaṇa-tātparya-sārasaṃgraha-stotra. It is apparently from the Rāmāyaṇa verses in the Araṇyakāṇḍa. But where exactly is it said that all the gods worship ...
Śipiviṣṭa's user avatar
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Can women wear tulsi mala?

I need scriptual referrence to prove that women can also wear tulsi mala. kindly provide the verse from any puran, ved or any scripture.
Nitesh's user avatar
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Is the Gita Saar (summary of Bhagavad Gita) an authentic scripture?

You will find so many hits if you type Gita Saar in Google. You will find it in English, Hindi, Bengali, and probably in other languages as well. There are 10-15 lines. As a sample, I attached this ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Is there a verse in the Bori Mahabharata in which Shiva says that he was born from Vishnu?

Is there a verse in the Bori (critical edition) Mahabharata in which Shiva says that he was born from Vishnu?
Abhinav Verma's user avatar
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According to the Srimad Bhagavatam, did Brahma really create demons from his buttocks?

Saw this on Reddit. Is this really true? What is the context of this story?
confused indian's user avatar
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Which scripture contains the Saraswati Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram?

Which Hindu scripture contains the Saraswati Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram. Is anything known about the author?
Kaalagni's user avatar
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What is the source of Durga Chalisa.?

I just saw Durga Chalisa for the first time in my life. I never heard about it before. I am a practising Shakta. But still, I never heard about it. Here is a link. It is in Hindi. What is the source ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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About Mahakala, the abode of Sastha

The 13rd chapter of Asura Khanda from Shankara Samhita mentiones that Sastha gives the duty to Ganesha for protect Sachi and went to his abode, Mahakala. I want to know about this Mahakala. So my ...
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What is the Bṛihat-sāma of Sama Veda that the Lord Shree Krishna mentions in BG 11.35 and where can I find it.?

I am looking for this hymn cited by the Lord Shree Krishna. This is not Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, since it is linked to the Yajurveda. Please, help me, I am looking for this.: बृहत्साम तथा साम्नां गा...
user36088's user avatar
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Bhairava Agamas: English translations of available manuscripts

Are there any legit available archived manuscripts of Bhairava Agamas that have been preserved? It is well known that there were 64 of them, but a lot of them had been lost, Abhinavgupta, in his ...
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Do Any Puranas or Upanishads mention the 36 tattva system of Shaivism?

Do any Puranas or Upanishads mention the 36 tattva system of Shaivism? Or is the system purely Tantric/Agamic?
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Where can I find reference of Caturvarga?

According to Hinduism, there are four Purusharthas or the goal of life: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. However, in Mahabharata (Mahabharata 1.139.69-70) and Arthasastra (Arthasastra of Kauṭilya 1.7.3-...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Why do some people remember past lives who were not saints? Is there any Scriptural basis for this?

See, there are many who remember past lives like they were brutally killed by something or had intense consciousness at time of death. My question is that they were not real saints in previous life so,...
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When can one disobey Superior person's orders?

Pranam, Like order of Father Husband or Guru etc.. Please provide scriptural references.. Thanks
Harsh's user avatar
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Is Dharma Sastha mentioned in Upapuranas & other Samhitas from Skanda Purana?

I heard many times that Sastha mentioned in various Puranas. But, only Brahmanda Purana and Sankara Samhita of Skanda Purana mentiones him, however it also made some sense that he can mention in Upa ...
Boovanaes's user avatar
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Does nirukta of yaksa has any direct/indirect reference to mahabharat?

Does nirukta of yaksa has any direct/indirect reference to mahabharat ?
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Where is this verse mentioned?

VII 6:180-89 वेदा विनिंदिता येन विलोक्य पशुहिंसनम् सकृपेन त्वया येन तस्मै बुद्धाय ते नमः ॥१८८॥ This answer verse is from which book?
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Reference for shloka related to qualities of soul - Chin matram shreehareer ansham sookshma akshar

Trying to find the reference for shloka: Chin matram shreehareer ansham sookshma akshar avyayam Krishna bhi nit prabhu jeevan gyan guna advayam चिन मात्रं श्रीहरेर अंशं सूक्ष्म अक्षर अव्ययं कृष्णा भी...
nunam's user avatar
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what is the source of Sivakalpataru mantra?

I can remember only a few lines. Prabhumisha manisham ashesha gunam. Gunahina Mahisha Garabharanam. Rananirjita Durjaya Daitya puram Pranamami Sivam Siva Kalpatarum. What is the source of this bhajan/...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Scriptural Reference for the following below statement marked in bold

An User in his comment says the following.: yes. Vishnu = owner. brahma = ceo. shiva = coo. indra = MD. vayu, agni, varuna, yama, kubera = VPs. all are posts except Vishnu. each manvantara or kalpa ...
Viṣṇu _Deva _Śrī.'s user avatar
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Is this quote really from the Bhavishya-Purana?

I came across a website which said the following quote is from the Bhavishya-Purana. “In another country a prophet will come along with his companions. His name will be Muhammad and he will appear in ...
Sam's user avatar
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Reference for shloka - Yathā nāma rūpā vimuktā samudre saṅga gacchant

which scripture does this shloka belongs to: Yathā nāma rūpā vimuktā samudre saṅga gacchant यथा नाम रूपा विमुक्ता समुद्रे संग गच्छन्ति based on the verse it sounds like its related to Kaivalya ...
nunam's user avatar
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Reference Requests: Prana-Prathistha in Mahapuranas

As for now, I'm aware that Prana-Prathistha is a total tantric concept (dakshinacharya marga) for worshipping deities. There are various sources where prana-prathistha and the manual for the ...
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reference for the shloka - sada idam utthītam sada iti che na nūh tarakhatam

Can someone assist me in finding the reference for the shloka sada idam utthītam sada iti che na nūh tarakhatam सद इदं उथीतम सद इति चे न नूह तरकहतम potential meaning of each word based on my ...
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