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Book and scripture recommendations for hindu apologetics?

What are book recommendations for hindu apologetics? Actually, I am searching for a single /some short books with amazing facts(like world map in mahabharat,)present in hindu scriptures and modern ...
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Is the Gita Saar (summary of Bhagavad Gita) an authentic scripture?

You will find so many hits if you type Gita Saar in Google. You will find it in English, Hindi, Bengali, and probably in other languages as well. There are 10-15 lines. As a sample, I attached this ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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What are major evidences found for siddhis that have been verified by science?

See, most atheists just say this cannot happen or that cannot happen which is written in your itihaas granths and do defamation.(I am here reffering to celestial weapons and boons) But existence of ...
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What are the most solid evidences to prove that the Puranas and Upapuranas have undergone interpolations over time? [duplicate]

What are the most solid evidences to prove that the Puranas and Upapuranas have undergone various accretions, additions, subtractions and interpolations by various individuals over the millennia?
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Why do some people remember past lives who were not saints? Is there any Scriptural basis for this?

See, there are many who remember past lives like they were brutally killed by something or had intense consciousness at time of death. My question is that they were not real saints in previous life so,...
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What are predictions with proper nouns in mahabharat and ramayan about kaliyug that have came true?

I want to know textual prediction about kaliyug with proper nouns(reffering to specific place like on xyz place,xyz incident will happen/nation) that have come true means have happened from valmiki ...
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Can anyone make a flowchart for proving prakshipt or answer these questions with 2-3 examples

How to decide prakshipt Edited Question(as previous question was misunderstood/not giving exact response seeking for) : I expect answer with flowchart of question that I can ask myself to prove ...
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Where is word Allah used to invoke Maa Durga?

Well in one of recent videos I heard Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nischalananda claiming that the 'Allah is a Sanskrit word which is used to invoke Maa Durga' Does any one have any information ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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Are there two Kashyaps

Kashyapa is one of the Saptarishis to whom several important texts such as the Kashyapa Samhita (on Ayurveda) is attributed. Then there is Kanada, who is the father of the Vaisheshika school of Hindu ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
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What are the most documented miracles in Hinduism?

By most documented I mean the most supported by evidence, which may include medical records (in the case of a miraculous healing), video recordings (if possible), multiple eyewitnesses, etc. Have ...
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Is Sanskrit literature really oldest?

Is Sanskrit literature oldest ? The history is showing proofs that Sanskrit literature is only in 1st century But Hebrew literature is 10th century B.C.E But we are saying that our puranas are written ...
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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Any evidence for the claim that Padma Purana was interpolated by the Jains?

Many people say that Padma Purana was interpolated by the Jains. Does any historian support this claim? Is there any evidence in support of this claim?
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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Why does everyone on the internet say scriptural reference is the final source? [closed]

I have seen few Q&A's on stack exchange and many other platforms. There, people after discussing on a specific topic, at last, ask for scriptural references for proving what they're saying as ...
Learner's user avatar
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What is the purpose of marriage? [duplicate]

Is it to get rid off loneliness, to attain lustfulness, to have more commitment, sacrifice, inheritance, safeguard wealth and oneself? Or what exactly? People do get married before these questions ...
Hansiemithun's user avatar
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What is scriptural reference for the concept of Brahma Rakshasa?

As per this wikipedia article Brahma Rakshasha are Sprit with quality of brahmin as well as Rakshasha. Can someone please tell what is Origin of the concept Scriptural reference where this concept is ...
Talk is Cheap Show me Code's user avatar
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Where does this shloka about epidemic appear in Narada, Vashishtha or Vrahta Samhita?

Where does this shloka about epidemic appear in Narada, Vashishtha or Vrahta Samhita? भूपाव हो महारोगो मध्य स्यार्धवृष्ट य। दुखिनो जंत्व सर्वे वत्स रे परी धाविनी There are lot of videos and ...
Lakhi's user avatar
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Is this alleged citation from the Paingirahasya Brahmana verifiable from neutral commentators?

eko ha vai nārāyaṇa āsīn na brahmā na ca śaṅkaraḥ Only Narayana existed - not Brahma, not Shankara This is cited by Vaishnavites as evidence for their sectarian doctrines. I originally questioned if ...
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