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Can I get translation of commentary regarding Gaudapada karika?

Can I get a translation of the non-English highlighted text?
blue_ego's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is there any evidence to prove that Ramayan and Mahabharata are not Copied From Buddhist Jatakas. The Dashratha and Gatha Jatakas

I have seen many Buddhist claiming that Ramayana and Mahābhārata are copied from their Jatakas. Even Wikipedia says that Dashrata Jataka is oldest attested version of Ramayana. Is there any evidence ...
InfinitySamm's user avatar
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As per Hinduism, What happens to those who follow Nihilist Philosophies like Buddhism?

Since Buddhism is regarded as a heretic path as per all the scriptures of hinduism, What would ultimately happen to those who follow Nihilst philosophies like Buddhism as per hinduism? Will Buddhists ...
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Where is this verse mentioned?

VII 6:180-89 वेदा विनिंदिता येन विलोक्य पशुहिंसनम् सकृपेन त्वया येन तस्मै बुद्धाय ते नमः ॥१८८॥ This answer verse is from which book?
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Was Buddha reincarnation of Agni?

Was buddha the reincarnation of vedic god agni? āga means fire. the pali way is tathāgata. the jain way is tathāgaya. blue_ego's way is tathajāta.
blue_ego's user avatar
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the ishvara paradox

If buddha is the incarnation of Visnu, like sanatana (hindu) religion believe, do we have something of a dilemma? what are we to say, he was just fake suffering before his enlightenment? c'mon, that ...
blue_ego's user avatar
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does dharma have stages?

the eternal dharma, known as sanatana dharma, is a concept in hinduism. eternal is often confused with unchanging, constant, but it might be more correct to say without beginning-end, forever. I've ...
blue_ego's user avatar
4 votes
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Did Buddha Praise Gayatri Mantra?

I wish to ask something about Gayatri Mantra and its relation to Buddha. In a Buddhist text Buddha is quoted as saying "Of sacrifices the fire sacrifice is the chief, Of Vedic hymns Savitti is ...
स्वयम्'s user avatar
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is Krishna bhagwan also known as Mara

Is Krishna Bhagawan - the sage-hero-god from Mahabharata- also known as Mara? I don't know much, so this is just some speculation. Mara is the villian in Buddha's story. there is this post: https://...
blue_ego's user avatar