God Sada-Shiva (सदाशिव) is depicted as a five-faced deity, with 10 hands and 15 eyes. As per Kamikagama he must be of white color, as shown below -
Sadashiva (सदाशिव)
While God Maha-Sada-Shiva (महासदाशिव) is depicted as an 25 headed deity, with 75 eyes, abd 50 arms.
Maha-Sadashiva (महासदाशिव)
Although, the prefix 'Maha (महा)' is generally added to a deity's name to indicate greatness or grandiose as an embellishments, but sometimes, the prefix does makes a difference. For example - Sometimes difference between the Vaishnava Lakshmi, and the Shaktas Mulaprakriti Mahalakshmi, or Shambhu and Maha-Shambhu in the Shaivite, or Vishnu and Maha-Vishnu et al.
In any case, clearly, in case of Sada-Shiva and Maha-Sada-Shiva we can see a clear Iconographical distinction, even if they might be manifestation of the same Supreme Parama-Shiva.
Question is -
What's the difference between them, in powers or their governing principles, and Iconography. Which scriptures discuss their iconography and differentiates between the two?
Kindly Note, this question is NOT a duplicate of this question -
What is the meaning behind Shiva with 26 heads and 52 hands?
My question seeks comparative analysis on both the Iconographical aspects, motifs and themes behind the two deities. Also, I want answers from Aagaamas and Silpasastras which might discuss both the deities.
The answer to the above question on the other hand uses Wikipedia and blogs to answer an slightly related part of my question which is not what I seek, at all.