I personally believe that eating non veg is a sin for any hindu,but there are many sects in hinduism which allow non veg such as bengalis offer fishes to kaali ma , a brahmin sect in bihar do also eat fish , south indian coastal hindus do also eat fishes, so i just wanna ask why there is irony in hinduism?


3 Answers 3


Non-vegetarian food is not actually 'banned' in hinduism. There are Scriptures which permit the consumption of the flesh of certain animals, albeit with certain restrictions and rules.

Vamana Purana 14.60

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Agni-Purana 168.13-21

So also pelugavya and peyūṣa which cause excess of phlegm and vṛtā-kṛsarasaṃyāva, pāyasa, cakes, fried eatables made of flour, flesh of animal not prepared for a sacrifice, food intended for the gods, oblations and all (kinds of) milks except (those) of cows, she-buffaloes and goats are prohibited as well as their waters ten days old. The hare, porcupine, godhā (a kind of an alligator), rhinoceros and tortoise are (those among) the (animals having) five nails (whose flesh) could be eaten. The remaining ones are prohibited. One may eat fish such as the pāṭhīna (a kind of sheat-fish), rohita and lion-faced fish.

Certain kinds of flesh such as Fish etc. are permitted to be eaten after offering them to deities or brahmanas although others are forbidden.

Padma Purana, Svarga Khanda, Chapter 56

31b-46. He should not eat (the flesh of) a crane, a swan, a gallinule, a sparrow, a parrot, so also an osprey, a patridge, a goose, a cuckoo, crows, wagtails, a hawk, a vulture, so also an owl, a ruddy goose, a vulture (or a cock), a pigeon, a dove, a ṭiṭṭibha bird, a domestic cock, a lion, a tiger, a cat, a dog, a pig, a fox, a monkey and a donkey. He should not eat (the flesh of) serpents, deer, peacocks, aquatic animals, land-going animals. This is a settled rule. O best ones, Prajāpati Manu has said that these animals with five claws may be always eaten: alligator, tortoise, hare, rhinoceros, porcupine. He may also eat fish with scales, and the flesh of (the deer called) ruru after having presented them to deities and brāhmaṇas, and not otherwise. O best brāhmaṇas, so also (the flesh of) a peacock, a patridge, a pigeon, a cātaka, rhinoceros, a crane, a swan. Thus said Prajāpati (Manu). These fish, viz. (the glittering fish) śapharī, siṃhatuṇḍa, paṭhīna and rohita are directed as fit to be eaten.

It is said that one does not incur any sin if meat is eaten after offering it to deities or as a medicine.

Brahma Purana 113.111-112

  1. The following can be eaten: hare, tortoise, alligator, porcupine and the fish with darts (?) The village boar and the cock should be avoided.

112. In the following circumstances, even if one eats meat, one is not defiled: if it is the remnant of offerings unto the Pitṛs, Devas etc. or if it is cooked in Śrāddha at the request of the brahmins and is sprinkled with holy water or if it is taken as a medicine.

Markandeya Purana Canto XXXV

The hare, the tortoise, the go-sāmp,the porcupine, and the rhinoceros, my son,—these indeed may he eaten; and the domestic pig and fowl should he eschewed. The remains of food at a śrāddha after the pitṛs and gods and other recipients have been satisfied may be eaten at the desire of the brāhmans. A man who eats flesh that has been killed for the purpose of medicine is not defiled.

Same thing stated in Kurma PurAna, meat when eaten under injunctions or as medicine does not incur any sin.

Kurma Purana II.17.34-40

enter image description here

Use of Meat as medicine for certain conditions was common in Ayurveda. We see this in Ayurvedic Texts such as Charaka Samhita and other texts where meat is prescribed to certain patients too.

Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa sthana, Chapter 8

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Agni Purana 279.19b-21

l9b-21. The juice of venison is commended as food for those suffering from pulmonary consumption. Horse-gram, green-gram, black pepper etc. and dry radish compounded with venison or cakes or bird’s flesh or compounded with curd and pomegranade juice, dressed with the juice of citron, honey, grapes and vyoṣa (dried ginger, long and black pepper) and cooked barley, wheat and śāli rice should be given as food to an asthma patient.

  • @Rickross from what I have heard it is only a sin to kill and consume an animal for pleasure or sense gratification. Even Aryuveda permits the eating of meat for Kshatryias especially. Rama hunted or thought he was hunting a deer. Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita 6.11 (To practice Yog, one should make an āsan (seat) in a sanctified place, by placing Kuśh grass, deerskin, and a cloth, one over the other. The āsan should be neither too high nor too low.), so Krishna himself permits deer skin for spiritual use. Not to mention Pashubali a necessary Vedic Animal sacrifice ritual.
    – Haridasa
    Commented Dec 1, 2023 at 3:00

Whosoever says that meat eating is banned in Sanatana Dharma has no knowledge of either our Itihasas or Vedas. For example, here is what Sri Rama tells Vaali in Kishkindha Kanda, 18th Sarga of Valmiki Ramayana:

enter image description here

Meaning: Those who eat meat will undeniably kill animals, w hether they are sprinting or standing steadily, fully dismayed or undismayed, vigilant or unvigilant, and even if they are facing away, in that there is no sin.

  "Non-Veg banned in Hinduism" 


Non-Veg(though of various types, understood as animal flesh) eaten by humans is considered as sin-bound and the consumer has to bear

  1. The brutality of sins
  2. Wrath of God
  3. Praayaschitta : tough ways to forgive his/her sins
  4. Restriction from addictive effects created by such foods
  5. In future, the cost and labour to protect species of animals/ birds he/she had eaten for one's hunger.
  6. Must take bath in Holy waters in old age when body is unable to accept such fleshy foods(foods that may induce AATMAHATYAA duing last stages of life ruining one's own soul.

Those meat consumers in Hinduism are subject to above 6 examinations though they unknowingly / knowingly consumed.

HENCE VARNAASHRAMA DHARMA is emphasized for humans for different food habits according to KARMA VIDHI. A human being born in KaliYuga can never be a SANAATANA DHARMI without abandoning animal products of sufferings.

  • Welcome to Hinduism Stack Exchange. You must provide a scriptural source reference for your answers in this site. Please modify your post accordingly. Commented Nov 29, 2023 at 16:00

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