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Questions tagged [lust]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What are the punishments for evoking lust in another person?

What are the punishments given to a man/woman (mostly woman) who creates lustful feelings to the opposite sex by showing skin / private parts and blabber. Any references from scriptures like Garuda ...
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How does Hinduism explain sudden sexual desire between a man and a woman from the perspective of chakras?

Aside from hormones, I recall feeling extreme lust for a specific girl. It did not happen with other girls; I even felt the lower chakra swadhistanas working. How does Hinduism explain this from an '...
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Nightfall and Janeau

Will I have to change my Janeau after a nightfall? I'm a teenager and you know almost every teen masturbates, I masturbated too but I have controlled it after my upanayanam. It's been 27 days. Whoever ...
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