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6 votes
2 answers

What is the significance of PAsha and Ankusha?

What is the importance PAsha and Ankusha in Devi's hands? I didn't see these in Sri Parvathi's hands, as Sri Parvathi either holding Kumara in one hand and Lotus in another hand, when along with ...
samolpp2's user avatar
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Why is the holding of Chakra different in different images of Vishnu

In northern parts of India, Sri Vishnu holds Sudarshana Chakra on His forefinger. But in the Southern parts of India, He is seen holding the chakra within two fingers (as seen in the enclosed images). ...
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Sequence of weapons in Vishnu's hands [duplicate]

I have seen idols of Lord Vishnu having the Shankh, Chakra, Gada,Padma(Lotus) at different locations of 4 hands. Are there any logic,myth behind it ? Which position is true and original?
Dhananjay Dabke's user avatar
8 votes
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What are the symbols and weapons in the hand of Sadashiva?

Sadashiva is described as being eternal form of Lord Shiva. He is represented with Five-faces and ten hands. The five heads of Sadashiva are known as Sadyojata [West facing], Vamadeva [North facing], ...
Tezz's user avatar
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What is the significance of the weapons and other items held by the Lord Vishnu?

Lord Vishnu holds a Disc (Chakra), Conch (Sankha), Komidi Gadha, and also holds other elements like a lotus in his hand. Is there any explanation in scriptures of why Lord Vishnu holds these ...
Shree Krishna's user avatar
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Why do Hindu Gods carry weapons?

I always wonder why Hindu Gods carry weapons. I mean they are "Gods", why do they need weapons?
Anshul Patel's user avatar