According to Wikipedia,

Various interpretations for the term's etymology are possible:

  • sam, "together"; a, "toward"; stem of dadhati, "puts, places": "a putting or joining together;"
  • sam, "together" or "integrated"; ā, "towards"; dhā, "to get, to hold": "to acquire integration or wholeness, or truth" (samāpatti);
  • sam, "uniformly" or "fully"; adhi, "to get established: : a state wherein one establishes himself to the fullest extent in the Supreme Consciousness;
  • samā, "even"; dhi, "intellect": a state of total equilibrium of a detached intellect.
  • sam, "perfect," "complete." dhi, "consciousness": a state of being where "all distinctions between the person who is the subjective meditator, the act of meditation and the object of meditation merge into oneness."
  • sama, "equanimous" dhi, "buddhi or the intellect"

Can someone please give actual Nishpatthi and Pada Vibhaga for the word and also cite authentic sources?

  • @Archit no no this Vedantic question in the cateogory of Nirukta of Vedanga.
    – user13262
    Commented Jun 14, 2020 at 10:19

1 Answer 1


The sanskrit dictionary Vacaspatyam defines samādhi as:

samādhi pu° sam + ā + dhā--ki . 1 samādhāyāṃ dhyeyavastuni ekāgratayā manasaḥsthāpanarūpe 2 dhyānabhede 2 vacanābhāve 4 niyame ca amaraḥ .

  1. samādhāyām dhyeyavastuni ekāgratavā manasaḥsthāpanarūpe - fixing the mind intensely on the object of meditation
  2. dhyānabhede - as something distinct from dhyāna - Monier willaims: with Buddhists Samādhi is the fourth and last stage of Dhyāna or intense abstract meditation [ MWB. 209 ]
  3. vacanābhāve - as something in which there is lack of any speaking/utterance
  4. niyame - as something in which there is restriction (of senses)

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