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Why does the Garuda Purana say that the Mahabharata has been undergoing interpolations since Satya yuga?

In the Garuda Purāna, we come across the following verse- दैत्याः सर्व विप्रकुलेषु भूत्वा कृते युगे भारते षट्सहस्र्याम् । निष्कास्य कांश्चिन्नवनिर्मितानां निवेशनं तत्र कुर्वन्ति नित्यम् ॥ ३,१.६९ ॥ In ...
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Was Vishnu Sahasranama, a part of Anusasana Parva of Mahabharata, or a later day addition?

According to the material available in the Internet, Anushāsanaparva is not a part of original Mahabharata. If the above material is correct, then Vishnu Sahasranama, which is a part of ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
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Was first stanza 'नारायणं नमस्कृत्य' of Mahabharata a later interpolation? [duplicate]

It has been mentioned earlier that the Mahabharata was in the custody of the Brahmins of the Bhrgu race. The epic got its vast size even before the rise and development of the Gupta reign. The ...
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Is the Virata War considered an interpolation according to BORI scholars? [closed]

Is the Virata War considered an interpolation according to BORI scholars? In the Mahabharata, there are varying accounts regarding the Virata War. As I understand, Vyasa mentions that there was no ...
Gabriel Alexander Gonzalez Agu's user avatar
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Depicting Mahabharata (and other scriptures) misleadingly [duplicate]

Most common people don't know Sanskrit, and aren't interested in reading scriptures. They learn Itihasa & Purana from elders or watching TV e.g. B.R.Chopra's Mahabharat, or Ramanand Sagar's ...
ram's user avatar
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Is Shanti Parva an interpolation in the Mahabharata? [closed]

In the translation of Mahabharata by K. M. Ganguli, we see a paragraph note in the page which states: The Santi Parva is a huge interpolation in the Mahabharata, in the genre known as 'wisdom ...
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