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Who is the Kiratarupi Maharudra Rishi mentioned in the Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham?

The seer for the Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham is identified as 'Kirātarūpī Mahārudrṛṣiḥ'. This is inferred from the lines in the kavacham, as taken from the Himavath kanda of Sri Rudrayamala: asya ...
hanugm's user avatar
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List of Shaiva sages mentioned in scriptures

Which Sages are described in the scriptures(Vedas,Upanishads,Puranas) to be Shaivas (Devotees of Shiva)? Please provide a list of Shaiva sages as long as possible.
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What are these incidents mentioned by Lord Shiva as examples of helping his devotees?

While reading the Shiva Purana Rudra Samhita Parvati Khanda I came across the following declarations by the Lord: The vow of the king of Assam (Kāmarūpa) was made fruitful. I saved king Sudakṣiṇā who ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
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If Akrodha is considered a virtue, then why most sages and Devtas do not possess it?

Akrodha is a virtue according to Hinduism and Krodha is consider a tamas quality. Absence of anger (akrodha) means being calm even when insulted, rebuked or despite great provocation. Akrodha does not ...
Bhaskar Vashishth's user avatar
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Is there any subtle explanation to Shiva's manifestation as Sri Dakshina Murty?

This question is not a duplicate of the following question. What scriptures mention Shiva's Dakshinamurthi form? This answer under the above question, explains that Dakshinamurty form of Lord Shiva ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
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Why God doesn't show any minor sakshatkaram as a ray or lightning in present 21st century? [duplicate]

Unless God shows some sort of his/her power when devotee prays atleast by a ray or lightning mode of sakshatkaram in present 21st century belief will gets diminished? Are there any Maha Guru's ...
venkat's user avatar
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How are rishis not able to control anger despite doing meditation?

Lord Shiva does Dhyana almost all of the time. Then why can't he control his anger? There were some very famous Rishis known for their bad tempered. How also they unable to control their anger?
Santanu Debnath's user avatar
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Lord Shiva as Adi Yogi taught Yoga to seven sages and in turn these seven sages spread across the world. Is this theory a new look to our mythology?

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is well known for his Isha Foundation and his yogic practices. He came up with a theory, a seemingly new one regarding Lord Shiva and the origin of yoga in India. According to ...
Satya Sai Kiran Kumar's user avatar
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Does Shiva or Vishnu or Trikaladarshi Yogi know our Aagami Karma or our free will?

Aagami Karma is actions we do in this birth. This is generally said to be free will. See this question: Is our destiny predetermined? If yes, then why do our actions affect our karma?. Does Shiva or ...
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