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12 votes

Nine gates of a human body?

Which are the nine gates being referred here? Are these ears, nose, mouth, eyes etc? Yes the Nine gates referred here ae our bodily organs like ear , nose , mouth etc. within Pancala kingdom (5 ...
SwiftPushkar's user avatar
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7 votes

What is the esoteric meaning of BG 4.29?

Paramahansa YogAnanda has given a very subtle and esoteric meaning for this verse from yogic point of view in his commentary (God talks with Arjuna). The incoming and outgoing breath and their union ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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4 votes

Nine gates of a human body?

The concept of a 9-gated human body is found in the Vedas as well as in the Upanishads. From, SwetAswatara Upanishad: NavadwAre pure dehi hamso lelAyate vahih | Vashi sarvasya lokasya sthAvarasya ...
Rickross's user avatar
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3 votes

Was Adi-Shankara initiated into Kriya Yoga?

The reference of Babaji giving initiation to Adi Shankara is found in Autobiography of a Yogi. As per Paramahansa Yogananda, Mahavatar Babaji himself stated that he gave initiation to Adi Shankara. ...
Pinakin's user avatar
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3 votes

Books by Sri PanchAnan Bhattacharya

It seems you can order books by him and on him from this website: (Shipping to India though...)
Arjuna Deva's user avatar
3 votes

How to practice Kriya Yoga from Vaishnava perspective?

Kriya Yoga essentially involves Asana,Pranayama,Mudra,Banda and Dhyana and is a practical approach to spiritual evolution or liberation. Kriya Yoga is best adapted so that any common household can ...
Yogyakartha's user avatar
2 votes

What are the differences among Hath Yoga vs Kriya Yoga vs Raja Yoga?

Kriya Yoga. Kriya is translated as activity, or action, and sometimes work. It does not mean work, however, in the same context as karma yoga when it is translated as work. One of the biggest ...
Swami Vishwananda's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a sequence or order to perform Shatkarmas?

The right approach for shat karmas is never mentioned. So once a person goes to a realised guru, he decides which one of the shat karmas are to be done based on the Prakriti of the yogi in question. ...
Bipin Chandra's user avatar
1 vote

What are the differences among Hath Yoga vs Kriya Yoga vs Raja Yoga?

I will try to give a short answer to this: Kriya yoga mainly involves achieving higher state via kriya i.e, actions like worshiping God. Hath yoga mainly involves achieving higher state by ...
Prateek Jain's user avatar
1 vote

How to practice meditation to increase Ojas capacity?

There are several types of meditations to choose from like stillness meditation, mindefullness meditation,Shambhavi meditation and SoHum meditation. So far, the easy to practice and widely recommended ...
Yogyakartha's user avatar
1 vote

My body was about to explode in sudarshan kriya (सुदर्शन क्रिया)?

I found this on Sudarshan Kriya. Sri Sri said: The body has a particular rhythm. Life has a particular rhythm. Similarly, your breath also goes in a particular pattern. Your emotions move in a ...
Kaka Singh's user avatar

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