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21 votes

Why do Devas stop people from attaining Brahma Vidya?

When a person gets Brahma-Vidya / Moksha then there is no rebirth for that person. And when he doesn't have birth he can't do various sacrifices and rituals for Devatas. So, Gods do not want that men ...
Tezz's user avatar
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11 votes

Benefits of devi 'Durga' naam jap with proofs scriptural reference from sāshtras

The name 'Durga' is a two lettered mantra and performing its japa is highly beneficial. In Maya-Tantra, 5-th Patala Shiva tells its benifits: धन्यं यशस्यामायुष्यं प्रजापुष्टिविवर्द्धनम्‌। सहस्त्रनामा...
Second's user avatar
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8 votes

Can I do Pitru Paksha rituals while my parents are still alive?

If the father is alive even then the son is allowed to do the ancestral offering for his deceased grand father, great grand father etc.. I thought that this was not allowed but see the following ...
Rickross's user avatar
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8 votes

What is anAhata nAda?

What is Anahata Nada and How it's related to spiritual progress? It is a type of sound heard at the time of Yoga. By practicing it, one can attain Raja Yoga. It is a way to realize Brahma. There are ...
Triyugi Narayan Mani's user avatar
6 votes

Is initiation/diksha carried over to the next birth?

Krishna answers this in Gita chapter 6, verses 37-45. The Lord says (Swami Nikhilananda translator): Arjuna said: A man who is endowed with faith, but not with steadfastness, and whose mind has ...
Swami Vishwananda's user avatar
5 votes

Why do Devas stop people from attaining Brahma Vidya?

When Brahma VidyA is attained by some he becomes knower of the Brahman. And such a person gains sovereignty over the Gods or gains authority over them. So, that is one more reason why the Gods would ...
Rickross's user avatar
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5 votes

Why do Devas stop people from attaining Brahma Vidya?

First of all, in this excerpt from his Taittiriya Upanishad Bhashya Adi Shankaracharya ties the prevention of obstacles from the Devas not to the "śaṃ no mitraḥ śaṃ varuṇaḥ" mantra as a whole, but ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
5 votes

Benefits of devi 'Durga' naam jap with proofs scriptural reference from sāshtras

The mahima of Durga naam can't even be told by Shiv in tantras. He says thus, दुर्गानाम जपो यस्य किं तस्य कथयामि ते। अहम् पंचैननह् कांते तज्जपादेवसुव्रते।। Oh, devi how could I narate he glory of the ...
Chamunda das's user avatar
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4 votes

What are types of fasting, does all yield same result?

The fasts followed today are somewhat different from those mentioned in the earliest scriptures of Hinduism so I would share what the older scriptures mention about them. The Law Books such as the ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
4 votes

Panchamundi and Navamundi asanas

Firstly, I hope anyone here doesn't attaches wrong notions with skull and defame Shaktas and the upasanas. Because, to western community skull or bones are deemed as impure or something horrific & ...
Chamunda das's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it possible for humans to attain the power to create Universes or Multiverses of their own through any Yoga , Mantra or Tantra Sadhana?

No, it is not. This is directly against Brahma Sutras 4.4.17-18. It says (Swami Vireshwarananda translator): (The released soul attains all lordly powers) except the power of creation, etc. on ...
Swami Vishwananda's user avatar
3 votes

Fear and negative thoughts

When you start to clean or tidy up your room, at first it seems that it is getting more messy. You carry on putting everything in their place and carry on with the cleaning, putting all the rubbish ...
Mahadeva's user avatar
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3 votes

Is initiation/diksha carried over to the next birth?

When we are on the path of self realization we know the first step should be to get initiated/diksha from a guru, but my question is if the person/soul was initiated in the previous birth and ...
Rickross's user avatar
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3 votes

What does it mean by Not accepting Murti puja? And how to do it

Nirguna upasana is not about "not accepting" murti puja. You are thinking about it in negative way. Nirguna means without qualities, without form. It is worship of formless aspect of God. It ...
Aks's user avatar
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3 votes

Why and when does a Sadhu(Sanyasi) become Mauni(silent)?

In KulArnava Tantram Lord Shiva says that Japa Yajna is the best form of Yajna.And in the 9th chapter of the same book he says that silence is the greatest form of Japa. So,it becomes quite clear ...
Rickross's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I find the right Guru?

This is from Kularnav Tantra about characteristics of Kaula guru, but it can still help in identifying real Guru. The characteristics of a true Guru is told by Lord Shiva. It is as follow: "O ...
Rudra's user avatar
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Can I do Pitru Paksha rituals while my parents are still alive?

According to Vaidic scholars in my city, the one whose parents are still alive can not perform these rituals you are talking about. Let's see what you can do.... According to my Guru one should ...
Deepeshkumar's user avatar
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What are the different kinds of Viveka and how can we develop them?

Viveka (विवेक ) means right understanding "discrimination" or "discrimination knowledge. Viveka is the quality of a person to differentiate between the real and unreal, eternal and temporary, Atma ...
SwiftPushkar's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to live like in Krita Yuga [Satya Yuga] for an individual, despite being in Kali Yuga?

As you may already know, in Hinduism Dharma is represented as a Bull having four feet. In Krita Yuga, the Bull has its four legs intact. So, Dharma is fully functional in that age. In Treta the Bull ...
Rickross's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I find the right Guru?

First, understand the meaning of the word Guru in Sanskrit tradition, Guru has to be a realized being. It's not possible for ordinary beings to know if a person is realized or not. So the safest bet ...
Akhil's user avatar
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Why do I feel internal tremors/shaking while meditation?

The tremors and shaking experiences might be a sign of internally dormant impurities. Swami Sivananda of the Divine Life Society observes in his book SPIRITUAL TREASURE that - Chapter Nine - THE ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the correct method for Manasik Japa?

You do manasa Japa by contemplating the words of the mantra without moving your lips. On Japa Learned men say that this is Svadhyaya if one performs the Japa of the Vedantic passages, Satarudriya (...
Pradip Gangopadhyay's user avatar
2 votes

Vishnu Prayer while invocation of other Deities

Yes, you can certainly invoke and praise other devatas (gods) and rishis (sages) before beginning your prayer dedicated to Vishnu. In Hindu tradition, it's common to offer respect and homage to ...
Prawin Kumar Sarangi's user avatar
2 votes

God/Self realisation for householders

Namaste, As you have asked this question, I would first start from basics. As u asked, for a grihasta, I must suggest that, doing your daily chores with full faith is first step to it. Welcoming ...
Chamunda das's user avatar
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1 vote

Guru mantras for people without a guru: Is there any scriptural support?

The first one is ordinary, it can be chanted and is taught to kids as well. The second mantra that you have stated is not what the website claims to be. It is the Guru Paduka Mantra, given at the time ...
Second's user avatar
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