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6 votes

What/Who is guru? Can it be a concept/idea/teachings or necessarily be a physical person?

The very thought that an idea/philosophy, concept or some Shastras can remove darkness is wrong. None of the these create the darkness (Avidya or ignorance). So,they are not capable of removing it ...
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6 votes

Is Trika system mentioned in Shakta scriptures? What they say about it?

Yes mentioned. In ShAkta Tantras Trika refers to the Triad - JyAna (knowledge) Shakti, IcchA (will) Shakti and KriyA (action) Shakti. But at the same time, it also refers to other Triads like the Tri ...
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5 votes

What are the salient features of krama tradition of Kashmir Shaivism?

Like out of Vedas many schools were established so from Bhairava Agamas which were monistic, schools of Kashmiri Shaivism were established. Initially there used to be many schools of Bhairava Agamas ...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
4 votes

What/Who is guru? Can it be a concept/idea/teachings or necessarily be a physical person?

Who is a Guru? Upa=near; nayana=to take or lead (a child). Near whom or what is (the child) taken? Near the guru. That is what upanayana means. Who is a guru? One who has mastered the ...
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2 votes

How is consciousness insentient without recognitive apprehension or vimarsha?

Yeah this is true just like there is no significance of Sun without its rays. Same is the case with Shiva, the highest consciousness. If Shiva is consciousness then his svabhava is vimarsha. As ...
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1 vote

What are the principal Saiva Tantras?

NINETY TWO SAIVA TANTRAS AND AGAMAS TANTRAS (A) EIGHTFOLD CLASSIFICATION OF THE SIXTYFOUR BHAIRAVA TANTRAS I. Bhairavāştaka Svacchanda, 2. Canda, 3. Bhairava, 4. Krodha, 5. Unmattabhairava, 6. ...
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