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For questions about Brahman, the divine essence also called as Paramatma. Not to be confused with [brahma] or [brahmins].
Does the supreme God Brahman have desires?
But Brahman ordains them in accordance with the results of actions of
the creatures. Therefore, Brahman has independence with regard to
desires. So Brahman has no want. … This, Brahman says I will become many.
Brahman, srstva, having created; tat , that, this world. What did He do ? …
Can there be multiple Brahman or supreme God in multi verse or other universes?
There is nothing other than Brahman.
Atma Bodha verse 9
All the manifested worlds of things and beings are projected upon the
substratum which is the Brahman, whose nature is Sat-Chit. … verse 41
There are no distinctions in Brahman. …
How can we identify a self realized person?
He feels that there is Brahman,
who is full of exquisite bliss, and that he is He, he is that bliss. … He is the one who realizes,
"I am the Brahman, I am the Brahman, Consciousness am I, Consciousness
am I". …
Is consciousness temporary? How can Brahman exist eternally?
Brahman does not depend on the body. All appears on consciousness.
Talk 396, Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Life is existence which is your Self. That is life Eternal. …
When Mind and Space aren't Brahman why does Chandogya Upanishad ask to meditate on Mind and ...
One starts from thinking the body is Brahman, then the mind is Brahman till he realizes that none of these are actually Brahman.
Tai. … From the five sheaths, he realizes that Bliss is Brahman,
and the physical, the vital, the mental and the intellectual sheaths
are not Brahman. Prāṇo brahmeti vyājānat (Tai.Upan. 3.3.1). …
What exactly is meant in Saṅkara (Advaita) Vedānta when it declares that Brahman is Nirguṇa ...
Brahman is described in the upanishads
“Brahman is Existence, Consciousness, Infinitude.” —Taitt. Up., II. 1.
“Brahman is Consciousness, Bliss.” —Brih. Up., III. 9. 28. … Therefore, if Brahman is eternal, Sat Chit Ananda must also be eternal. …
Can Brahman be realized without following the 32 Bramha Vidyas of Upanishads or without even...
There are many books other than upanishads that talk about meditation techniques for realising Nirguna Brahman. …
Is there any statement of Adi Shankaracharya saying that Jiva can never become Brahman?
Brahma Satyam Jagan Mithya Jivo Brahmaiva Na Aparah
Brahman (the Absolute) is alone real; the world is unreal; Jiva is non-different from Brahman. … The confusion comes from saying Jiva (actually Atman in this context) becomes Brahman. Shankara never said Atman becomes or does not become Brahman.This is because it already is That. …
Do advaitins meditate on Nirguna Brahman?
Atma bodha, Sri Shankara says
विविक्तदेश आसीनो विरागो विजितेन्द्रियः । भावयेदेकमात्मानं
तमनन्तमनन्यधीः ॥ ३८॥
One should sit in a solitary place with a mind free from desires and
controlling the sense …
Do Advaitin's claim Brahman or Atman is Svaprakasha?
From Vivekachudamani
svaprakAshamadhiShThAnaM svayambhUya sadAtmanA .
brahmANDamapi piNDANDaM tyajyatAM malabhANDavat 289
Being the self-luminous Brahman, the sole substratum of all things, reject the …
How can Brahman/consciousness be all pervading including living and non living things?
As the support of the unreal world, the nature of Brahman is
existence; as it cognises all insentient objects, its nature is
consciousness; and as it is always the object of love, its nature is
bliss. …