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Literally non-duality; a school of the Vedanta philosophy that declares the oneness of God, soul, and the universe.
Are there advaitic verses in bhagavatam?
These verses are are not indicative of Nirvishesha Advaita i.e. the well-known advaita, Nirvishesha advaita denies everything including Bhagavan, the abstract self alone is said to be true. … This philosophy is called Advaitic theism and much different from Nirvishesha Advaita. …
Does the person become Krishna once he attains moksha?
Impossible to become Krishna in Advaita Vedanta or any Vedanta.
In Advaita Moksha, the transformation of the jiva happens to Nirguna Brahman and it is Saguna Brahman who does the transformation. … The question of becoming Saguna Brahman (which maps to Krishna in Advaita) is an impossibility not only from the view of Brahma Sutras, furthermore there is no Acharya or scripture that has propounded …
How do Vishishtadvaitins interpret this passage from the Vishnu Purana?
We find in the Sri Bhashya introduction the explanation of how to interpret such passages from the Vishnu Purana.
Acharya Ramanuja writes here in George Thibaut's translation
Also the sloka begin …
What is the Vishishtadvaitin equivalent to "Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya Jeevo Brahmaiva Napar...
Vishishtadvaita is already declared by Krishna in Chapter 15 of the Bhagavad Gita:
Mamaivamsho jivaloke jiva bhuta sanatanah... [Bhagavad Gita 15.7(a)]
English Translation: The living entities in thi …
Is Brahman sentient in Advaita Vedanta?
Nirguna Brahman in Advaita which is said to be the higher Brahman in Advaita is a state of being which is devoid of sorrow. … So Advaita teaches the jivatma itself as the highest goal i.e. jivo brahmaiva na parah. It is also similar to purusha element in sankhya. …