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29 votes

Who are Pancha brahmas' Lalita Devi sits on and Why are they called so?

Pancha-Brahmans are the five fold manifestation of Lord Shiva and are named as Sadyojata, Tatpurusha, Aghora, Vamadeva and Ishana. Each five manifestations further manifest as five deities which are ...
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11 votes

Queries on Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma Phalaśruti

This KAmAkotimanadali page tries to determine "lalitA sahasranAma - adhikAra nirNaya". That means trying to determine who all are competent to recite the stotram. That means not all are competent to ...
Rickross's user avatar
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10 votes

Which is the correct Panchdasi mantra of Goddess Lalita?

First of all Panchadasi refers to a 15-lettered mantra. Among the three mantras that you have given only Mantra 1 is 15-lettered the others are both 16-lettered. And, Mantra 2= Mantra 1+ Srim and ...
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9 votes

Why does Lalitha Devi sit on Shiva?

On who is the consort of Lalita: Lalita's consort is Sadashiva or Chinmaya Shiva or Kameswara. Sri Lalitopakhyana is a part of Brahmanda Purana. It details the Avatara and Lila of Parashakti ...
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6 votes

Who are Pancha brahmas' Lalita Devi sits on and Why are they called so?

I am providing another reference about “ Pancha-Brahmas” you asked in the question , from Linga Purana – Uttara Bhaga – Chapter 14 –Panca-Brahmas . According to Linga Purana Lord Shiva the form of ...
SwiftPushkar's user avatar
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4 votes

In which war related to Bhuvaneswari or Lalitha, devas did not respond?

The 27th Chapter of the Lalitopakhyana, from Brahmanda Purana, describes this story of the army of Lalitambika refusing to fight due to the Maya of Vishukra, the brother of Bhandasura. During the ...
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Who are Pancha brahmas' Lalita Devi sits on and Why are they called so?

Panchabrahma (Mantras) have been described in Mrigendra āgama as well. Note that, they are beyond Māyā Tattva therefore they don't possess body of Buddhi, intellect, flesh etc, the very nature of ...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
3 votes

What is the actual meaning of " Karanguli nakhotpanna narayana dashakrutih" of Lalita Sahasranama?

This is mentioned in the Brahmanda Purana. It is related to the Bhandasura episode when the world was facing a Pralaya like situation. Goddess then have to be invoked from Chidagni Homa Kunda. ...
Rickross's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the actual meaning of " Karanguli nakhotpanna narayana dashakrutih" of Lalita Sahasranama?

The Sri Vidya Acharya Bhaskararaya gives two interpretations of the name in this excerpt from his Lalita Sahasranama Bhashya: "Nails", joints of the nails or fingertips. Ten forms of Narayana are ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
2 votes

Can anyone share the complete pdf of bramhanda purana. i've came across many websites but it doesn't contain the full brahanda purana

You can find the whole Samskrit text at this link - For your convenience, the story dealing with Bhandasura starts at the 11th ...
Veera Raagavan's user avatar
2 votes

Nyasa etc for Lalita Sahasranama

First see how the Rishyadi Nyasas are done. These Nyasas are done with the right hand using the Tattva Mudra/Nyasa Mudra which is formed by joining the thumb and the ring finger at the tips. When you ...
Rickross's user avatar
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1 vote

Can Chanting the Lalita saharanama actually grant any benefits when it's interpolated?

one should understand what is mantra, how to use it correctly so that it helps you in your life. what is Mantra ? Mantra are the abstract text which contains very useful information/knowledge which ...
Raghu's user avatar
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Can anyone share the complete meaning of Lalitha Sahasranama? I have come across word to word translations, but need a proper explanation

There are a few commentaries available for Sri Lalitha Sahasranama, and Bhaskararaya's commentary has been published in English, translated by Sri Anantakrishna Sastri. This is a full commentary and ...
Vidyarthi's user avatar
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What does "Chitagnikunda Sambootha" mean in Sri Lalita Sahasranama?

"chit-agni-kunda sambhootha" does not represent the "spark of thought or imagination", but "one who was born from the altar of the fire of consciousness" Bhaskararaya in ...
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