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29 votes

Who are Pancha brahmas' Lalita Devi sits on and Why are they called so?

Pancha-Brahmans are the five fold manifestation of Lord Shiva and are named as Sadyojata, Tatpurusha, Aghora, Vamadeva and Ishana. Each five manifestations further manifest as five deities which are ...
Tezz's user avatar
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9 votes

Why does Lalitha Devi sit on Shiva?

On who is the consort of Lalita: Lalita's consort is Sadashiva or Chinmaya Shiva or Kameswara. Sri Lalitopakhyana is a part of Brahmanda Purana. It details the Avatara and Lila of Parashakti ...
Rickross's user avatar
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6 votes

Who are Pancha brahmas' Lalita Devi sits on and Why are they called so?

I am providing another reference about “ Pancha-Brahmas” you asked in the question , from Linga Purana – Uttara Bhaga – Chapter 14 –Panca-Brahmas . According to Linga Purana Lord Shiva the form of ...
SwiftPushkar's user avatar
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5 votes

Who is the daughter of Atri?

It is explained in the later verses of the same chapter(Chapter 8 of Upodghāta Pāda). Daughter of sage Atri is Arundhatī. Among the descendants of his(i.e., Atri), four are well renowned on the ...
Sarvabhouma's user avatar
4 votes

In which war related to Bhuvaneswari or Lalitha, devas did not respond?

The 27th Chapter of the Lalitopakhyana, from Brahmanda Purana, describes this story of the army of Lalitambika refusing to fight due to the Maya of Vishukra, the brother of Bhandasura. During the ...
Surya's user avatar
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Who are Pancha brahmas' Lalita Devi sits on and Why are they called so?

Panchabrahma (Mantras) have been described in Mrigendra āgama as well. Note that, they are beyond Māyā Tattva therefore they don't possess body of Buddhi, intellect, flesh etc, the very nature of ...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
4 votes

In the legend about Venkateswara,what is the relationship between Vedavati and Padmavati?

From Skanda Purana: Varaha Deva described to Bhu Devi that Emperor Akash decided to perform a Grand Yagna on the banks of Arani and while tilling, he found a girl child and as he was issueless, ...
Rickross's user avatar
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3 votes

Who are the Sri Vidya Gurus mentioned by Bhaskararaya?

Few months ago i bought the book NityAshodasikArnava which is widely considered as a part of the most authoritative text for Sri Vidya Sadhana called Sri VAmAkeswara Tantram. The introduction of the ...
Rickross's user avatar
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3 votes

Is the adhyatma Ramayana part of the brahmanda purana?

Scholars ascribe Adhyatma Ramayana to the period 14th-15th century. Though depicted as a part of the Brahmanda Purana, respected as a canonical work of the Vaishnavas and begun in the Tantra style of ...
Pradip Gangopadhyay's user avatar
3 votes

In which chapter of Brahmanda purana is Shri Lalita Sahasranama present?

As per this version of the Lalita Sahsranama Stotram hosted by the, the Stotram is present in the 2nd chapter of Uttara Khanda of the Brahmanda Purana. The name of the chapter is " Shri ...
Rickross's user avatar
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2 votes

Do other Puranas besides Brahmanda Purana claim parity with the Vedas?

Vayu Purana claims precedence over the Vedas. Brahma first remembered Vayu Purana and Vedas came out after that. In the beginning, out of sacred literature, the Purana was remembered by Brahma. [1] ...
Pradip Gangopadhyay's user avatar
2 votes

Why are the names of Lord Krishna and Lord Rama superior to the name of Lord Vishnu?

Name of Krishna is not superior to Rama. At the end of Vishnu Sahasranaam lord Shiva concludes that out of all the names (including Krishna) Raam Naam is equal to the whole thing. Why? Because ...
R. Kaushik's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are the names of Lord Krishna and Lord Rama superior to the name of Lord Vishnu?

Such lines are just eulogy to the God because रामः (raamah) and कृष्णः (krishnah) indeed part of few versions of Vishnu Sahasranama. This is similar how supreme deity from one Purana to another ...
YDS's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are the names of Lord Krishna and Lord Rama superior to the name of Lord Vishnu?

I am summarizing the logic here. Hinduism is a landscape of infinite gods with infinite powers. Our Ista Devi/Devata i.e. personal/favourite god is the pathway to the God (Para). The Infinite (...
Akhil's user avatar
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1 vote

Who are the Sri Vidya Gurus mentioned by Bhaskararaya?

The guru paramparA of Sri Vidya consists of broadly 3 sections or "ogha" which literally means "flock" or "groups". First is the Divyaugha (divine or celestial beings including gods and devatas) ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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1 vote

In which chapter of Brahmanda purana is Shri Lalita Sahasranama present?

The Lalita Sahasranama from the Brahmanda-Purana resembles the actual Lalita-Sahasranama which is often seen as an individual work, and is famously commentted upon by Bhaskararaya. The final part of ...
Gabe Hiemstra's user avatar

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