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Puranas besides Bhagavata & Devi-Bhagavata stating themselves as the foremost or best

Yes , in Shiva-Mahapurana we also find the similar description in Mahatmyam or Glory part. Chapter 1 Shloka 12 - The glory of the purana. एतच्छीपुराणं हि परमं शास्त्रमुत्तमम्। शिवरुपं क्षितौ ...
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11 votes

Where exactly is Shiva Gita found?

I don't know which version or edition of Padma Purana has this composition of Shiva Gita. It also looks like none of the acharyas before 15th century have written any commentary on this text. The ...
Ambi's user avatar
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Puranas besides Bhagavata & Devi-Bhagavata stating themselves as the foremost or best

Like Bhagavatams, Shiva Purana also says itself as best among all the Puranas and best remedy in age of Kali. Chapter 1 Glory of Shiva Purana says कालव्यालमहात्रासविध्वंसकरमुत्तमम्। शैवं पुराणं परमं ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
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9 votes

Does taking a dip in the Ganges River actually wash away your sins?

Puranas don't contradict with it. One must also have internal Purity while taking dip in holy waters. The significance of taking dip in Ganga is mentioned in many scriptures. Not only Ganga, taking ...
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In which scripture, does Sage Narada ask for the boon that Lord Rama's name be the superior of all names?

The story of Narada asking the above-mentioned boon from Lord Rama is described in Chapter 126 (pg 723) of the Aranya-Kanda of Ramacharitmanas. Sanskrit text taken from here. Narada goes to meet ...
Arya's user avatar
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Which Purāṇas define the word "purāṇa" within their text?

Etymology of the word "purāṇa" is mentioned Part 1 Prakriya Pada Chapter 1 of Vayu Purana. यस्मात्पुरा ह्यनतीदं1 पुराणं तेन तत्स्मृतम्। निरुक्तमस्य यो वेद सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते।।२०३।। This ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
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8 votes

What is the source of "ārādhanānāṁ sarveṣāṁ viṣṇor ārādhanaṁ param" (of all methods of worship, Viṣṇu worship is the topmost)?

The verse is to be found in the Padma Purana Motilal Vol. 3 through Vol. 10, Uttarakhanda chapter 253, verses 175-179 (precisely it's verse 176 actually), page 3322. However it seems that the ...
brahma jijnasa's user avatar
8 votes

Does Shankara teach to renounce one's own duties?

Shankara said Svadharma is necessary for purity of mind: One who is passionately devoted to the authority of the Śrutis acquires steadiness in his Svadharma, which alone conduces to the purity ...
Spark Sunshine's user avatar
7 votes

What is the purpose of tamasic purana if it leads to hell?

Actually Shaivas consider Vaishnava puranas as Tamasic. This is based on what Brahmaji said in Rudra Samhita of the Shiva Purana itself which claims to be the greatest of all Puranas. Vishnu is stated ...
R. Kaushik's user avatar
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Does taking a dip in the Ganges River actually wash away your sins?

A dip in Ganga river does remove all the sins when it is done with śraddhā and bhakti. To do so, the words śraddhā and bhakti should be understood. Bhakti is well known to everyone. Narada Bhakti ...
Student's user avatar
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7 votes

How to perform the Candrayana Vrata?

The ChaAdrAyana vrata is one of the most difficult vratas to perform. Usually, the doer gets rid of almost all the possible sins he has committed. There are many difficult rules to be followed during ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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Apart from the Padma Purana, does any other Purana say that Adi Shankaracharya will teach mayavadi philosophy?

The following verses are from Garuda Purana, Brahma kanda, 16th Adyaya: maNimAnnAma daityastu shaN^karAkhyo bhaviShyati | sarveShAM saN^karaM yastu kariShyati na saMshayaH || 3:16:70 tena ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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6 votes

Where exactly is Shiva Gita found?

Even though the Shiva Gita is not to be found in the various extant editions of the Padma Purana, this chapter of the Narada Puranam summarizes the content of the Padma Puranam and says the Shiva Gita ...
v subrahmanian's user avatar
5 votes

Puranas besides Bhagavata & Devi-Bhagavata stating themselves as the foremost or best

Just like Bhagavatams and Shiva Purana, even Agni Purana considers itself as the greatest of all Puranas. Chapter 383 - The Glorification of the Agnipurana, verses 44b-51 say: Suta said: 44b-...
Spark Sunshine's user avatar
5 votes

Does taking a dip in the Ganges River actually wash away your sins?

Yes, the Purāṇas do contradict each other and they also contradict itihāsas like Rāmāyana and Mahābhāratha on this topic. The same Padma Purāṇa at a different place for example says: CHAPTER ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
5 votes

What are the 84 lakh (8.4 million) species?

The number of species and their further division is mentioned in the Skanda Purana. The number (of species) is eight million and four hundred thousand (84,00,000). They are divided into four types of ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Where in the Padma Purana are these verses located?

A partial answer and Giving source for the following verse. śva-pākam iva nekṣeta loke vipram avaiṣṇavam vaiṣṇavo varṇo-bāhyo ’pi punāti bhuvana-trayam In the world one should not look at ...
Sarvabhouma's user avatar
5 votes

What does Padma Purana I.43.128b-133b say?

Verses 128b - 133b of Chapter 43, Sristi Khanda, Padma Purana describes conversation of Narada with Himavat, Mena and Goddess Parvati and Indra was also present with them. When Narada was talking to ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
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When did Vishnu destroy trident of Shiva?

The verse quoted from Padma Purana's Vishnu Sahasranama most probably refers to the battle between Narayana and Rudra described in this chapter of the Shanti Parva of the Mahabharata. The Sanskrit ...
Surya's user avatar
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Where in the Garuda Purana is it said that only three Vaishnava Puranas are authoritative in Kali yuga?

It seems that this is taken from the Garuda Purana: Brahma (Moksa) Khanda: Chapter 1: The wise declare knowledge to be manifold, consisting of various grades — high, low and middling. All that ...
YDS's user avatar
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Does the vow of prostitutes involve sex with a Brāhmaṇa?

Yes, it does. The same story narrated in Matsya Purāṇa is more explicit: CHAPTER LXX ... Henceforth, any Brāhmaṇa coming to them for the sake of sexual enjoyment on a Sunday, should be respected and ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
5 votes

Sanskrit shloka of Padma Purana Srsti-khanda 19.336

The English version cited, consists of the second half of verse 335 and first half of verse 336 of Chapter 19 of the Padma Purana Sṛṣṭi-khaṇḍa. The verses go as follows: श्रूयतां धर्मसर्वस्वं श्रुत्वा...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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4 votes

Why are there different classes of पुराणs (Puranas)?

And the answer is "no" because if you go and check epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana there is nothing like even the Vayu Purana which is mentioned in Mahabharata itself means it exists in the times ...
Fierce lord's user avatar
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What is the correct source of this verse?

Yes, the verse is from Padma Purāṇa (Uttara-kāṇḍa, Ch. 252-253: Modes of Viṣṇu's Worship) You can find the Sanskrit verse in this PDF (p. 1079): आराधनानांसर्वेषांविष्णोराराधनंपरम् तस्मा...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
4 votes

Where in Padma Purana the following verse about parampara is located?

The verse is not extant in the manuscripts of the Padma Purana which are known today, but the verse was quoted in some of the books of the Hindu authors from the previous centuries. Thus in the ...
brahma jijnasa's user avatar
4 votes

Need to know the verse numbers from Padma purana

I found a similar verse is Agni Purana, but the same is not repeated in Padma Purana as per my findings. Agni Purana, Chapter 383 (last chapter), Verse 12: dvividho bhūtamārgoyaṃ daiva āsura eva ...
Spark Sunshine's user avatar
4 votes

Do scriptures besides Padma Purāṇa permit wives to discipline their husbands?

This is an oversight error on part of translator N.A. Deshpande ji. It should read husband can flog/span wife, not the other way around. The verse in question is गुरुश्च ताडयेच्छिष्यं ततः सिध्यंति ना...
Artist Formerly Known As CSD's user avatar
3 votes

Which Purāṇas define the word "purāṇa" within their text?

Not exactly an answer because you asked references and definition specifically from the Puranas only. Anyways,why the Puranas are so-called is stated symbolically in the KulArnava TantrA as follows: ...
Rickross's user avatar
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