Linked Questions

6 votes
1 answer

Karma Kanda & Jnana Kanda [duplicate]

In the Vedas there are two paths mentioned Karma Kanda & Jnana Kanda. First one goes through Karma and then one comes to Jnana. At the same time it's often mentioned that there are also the paths ...
simplyhappy's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What are the different paths of liberation which are recommended by the different sects of Hinduism? [duplicate]

In Shaivaism, the practice of meditation is recommended for liberation. What are the other ways to achieve liberation recommended by the other sects? I'm aware that there are different denominations ...
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What is the exact process to get Moksha? [duplicate]

Moksha is the aim of our life. But I don't find the exact way how to puruse Moksha. What is the process/blueprint to get Moksha ?
river's user avatar
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52 votes
8 answers

Is the ultimate purpose of life only to serve God?

I wonder at this question, because as with most major religions, it seems all you are mostly meant to do is to serve/devote yourself to God. It also seems that even in Hinduism this is the only way to ...
Xarcell's user avatar
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17 votes
7 answers

What is "Moksha" in Hinduism?

I have heard the word "Moksha" in Hinduism. I know it is related to death and birth. What exactly it is?
Himanshu's user avatar
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Approach to the Ultimate/Absolute Truth (Jnana)

I want to get/achieve/realize/attain the Ultimate/Absolute Truth (Aatman & Brahman). And I think Jnana path is perfect for this. And I believe if one truly achieves Jnana, then one gets moksha ...
Pandya's user avatar
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13 votes
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What is the best way to attain Moksha (God-realization) in Hinduism?

According to many different scriptures (Vedas, Upanishads, Gita) that I have read, I am having a hard time understanding the general consensus for the path towards God-realization. Each book has a ...
Shanty's user avatar
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6 answers

Do we take rebirth if we help others?

Lord Krishna told us to surrender to him and do our duties for him and not for dharma and adharma and if we do it (for dharma or adharma) we will take rebirth to take the effects of good deed or bad ...
Sakthi's user avatar
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4 answers

What are the ultimate objectives in Hinduism?

What are the ultimate objectives in Hinduism? Is Moksha the only ultimate objective?
X10's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can a woman get moksha?

Can a woman get moksha ? Or is getting moksha reserved only for men ? Or Does husband-wife get moksha simultaneously ?
river's user avatar
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According to Advaita philosophy,what are the conditions for attaining Moksha?

Suppose I wish to attain Moksha then,according to Advaita Philosophy, what conditions I must fulfill in order to achieve Moksha?
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
13 votes
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Why one should worship God?

I am looking for exact purpose/reason on why one should worship God? Is it because we are in god's depth as he offered us a life or is it just because god is supreme, creator of world around us? Is ...
Mr_Green's user avatar
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11 votes
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Is human the ultimate species according to Hinduism?

Is human the ultimate species according to Hinduism? This is somewhat related to karma, hence is it considered ultimate to be reborn as a human? An individual can be reborn as any species based on ...
Mr. Alien's user avatar
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Is meditation the only technique for self-realization?

Apart meditation is there other paths that one can take to understand oneself?
Elfin forest's user avatar
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Sannyasa after death

I hope you can help me as searching on Google has not helped that much. My father passed away in February. I wondered whether anyone knew whether the soul can take Sannyasa? My father identified with ...
Lucy Stroud's user avatar

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