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24 votes

As a Hindu, can I feed other people beef?

Manu Smriti 5.51. He who permits (the slaughter of an animal), he who cuts it up, he who kills it, he who buys or sells (meat), he who cooks it, he who serves it up, and he who eats it, (must all be ...
Rickross's user avatar
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14 votes

What are the Hindu Code of Conduct (Ethics)?

In Santana Dharma, the "right way of living" is preached in many scriptures. Actually the Sanskrit word "Dharma" itself stands for similar meaning. Ethics (Ethical code or Code Of ...
Pandya's user avatar
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11 votes

What do Hindu scriptures say about gambling?

It is described in Rigveda Mandala 10, Sukta 34. You can read HYMN XXXIV. Dice, Etc. Quoting couple of verses that show the adverse effects of gambling and advice not to gamble. जाया तप्यते कि...
Pandya's user avatar
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10 votes

What do Hindu scriptures say about gambling?

Gambling is a vice. It is considered as a sin. As far as a Kshatriya king and gambling is concerned, he should avoid it carefully as one of the vices. MS 7.45. Let him carefully shun the ten vices,...
Rickross's user avatar
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8 votes

Is sexual activity by *devadasi* sanctioned in Hinduism?

Devadasi system is considered sacred and is not meant for any sexual aspect at all. Hence the question of "forced sexual activity" by Devadasi-s, becomes moot. From the wiki page, the ...
iammilind's user avatar
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7 votes

Which text(s) detail the ethics of how to treat beings lower than Man?

Hinduism tells us to respect all living beings from animals to small insects to plants. It treats them as jivas (living beings) and having souls. मृगोष्ट्रखरमर्काखुसरीसृप्खगमाक्षिका: । आत्मन: ...
SwiftPushkar's user avatar
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6 votes

How was Pandava deceit sanctioned?

Why is such deceitfulness sanctioned for them? Is it okay for anyone to pretend in such a way or was this specifically allowed for the Pandavas? Manusmṛti sanctions lying accompanied by a simple ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
6 votes

What do Hindu scriptures say about gambling?

Gambling is considered the supreme among cheaters. Hence, if "cheating" is a vice, then "gambling" could be highest among the vices. द्यूतं छलयतामस्मि ... BG 10.36 - Among cheaters I am Gambling ....
iammilind's user avatar
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6 votes

What are the Hindu Code of Conduct (Ethics)?

Most Smriti Texts mention about such ethical conducts. I am here quoting from the Atri Smriti. A really accomplished person does not try to suppress another's merit : he praises another's ...
Rickross's user avatar
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5 votes

What are the Hindu Code of Conduct (Ethics)?

There is already a discussion on ethics and morality in a related question, 'What are the canonical texts in Hinduism for morality and ethics?'. Here are some additional teachings. Bhishma’s morality ...
Pradip Gangopadhyay's user avatar
5 votes

What is the moral stance towards milking of animals/cows?

I am answering this wrt cows milk, not milk of other animals like goat, camel etc. As stated here in SB 8.8.11: Pañca-gavya, the five products received from the cow, namely milk, yogurt, ghee, ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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5 votes

Is sexual activity by *devadasi* sanctioned in Hinduism?

There is no sanction in Hindu scripture for sexual activity by Devadasis. The Temple Dancers The tradition of women being dedicated to a temple can be found in all ancient civilisations ...
Pradip Gangopadhyay's user avatar
4 votes

Do Hindus yell at their gods?

I am not aware of any survey on this issue. However, Hindu relationship with the deities is not governed by fear. So it might be that some Hindus yell at the deities. Yoga Vasistha II.18 says: ...
Pradip Gangopadhyay's user avatar
4 votes

Is Euthanasia considered morally right?

Euthanasia (voluntary or assisted suicide) is "quite desirable" says Medhātithi commenting on Manusmṛti 5.88: ‘Those who have abandoned themselves;’—i.e ., those who, even before their life’s span ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
3 votes

Do the Vedas have 'commandments' similar to the bible? (E.g., does it forbid murder?)

Vedas do not have commandments since God does not actively run the universe. According to Hindu scripture God is just a spectator. God does not actively run the universe. It is primordial Nature, God’...
Pradip Gangopadhyay's user avatar
3 votes

Do the Vedas have 'commandments' similar to the bible? (E.g., does it forbid murder?)

If by commandments in hinduism, you mean "Code of conduct/ethics" , then please refer: What are the Hindu Code of Conduct (Ethics)? additionally: ref:
zaxebo1's user avatar
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3 votes

How was Pandava deceit sanctioned?

Pandavas are righteous in the following two instances. 1: Vyasa asked Pandavas to live in disguise at Ekachakra and Pandavas followed the same. "Vyasa then said, 'Ye bulls of Bharata's race, I ...
hanugm's user avatar
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3 votes

How sexual relations with multiple partners affect us? What are after effects of promiscuity?

I have created a separate answer since the question seems to have changed from "Is promiscuity permissible?" to "What are the karmic effects of promiscuity?" Because social mores have changed since ...
Rubellite Yakṣiṇī's user avatar
3 votes

How sexual relations with multiple partners affect us? What are after effects of promiscuity?

In Sanatana Dharma there is no restriction on multiple partners - the restriction is only on illicit relationship outside wedlock. A man can have as many wives as he wants - a perusal of the Puranas ...
Suresh Ramaswamy's user avatar
2 votes

Is it ok to paint Hindu deities even though you are another faith

If it is your profession, you like it and portray the painting to evoke Bhakthi what is wrong? illustrations commissioned by ISKON in Bhagavatha are all not made by Hindus. When Greek architure was ...
Narasimham's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it ok to paint Hindu deities even though you are another faith

Yes definitely you can. But you must have to be respectful to their dignity because now a days people are adding their own fantasies while painting which is fair but not while painting God and Goddess....
Nirmohi's user avatar
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2 votes

Instances and recommendations by Hindu Scriptures of higher castes working for the welfare of lower classes as public servants

This is in reference to the role and the social contribution of priestly class . An ideal Brahmin is not a slave of sensual pleasure ,upholds the Vedic dharma, offers protection not only to humans ...
Athrey's user avatar
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1 vote

Instances and recommendations by Hindu Scriptures of higher castes working for the welfare of lower classes as public servants

I am giving some quotes that may or may not be the ones you are looking for. There are indeed verses in Hindu scripture that seem to show cruelty towards the lower classes. However, a Hindu is not ...
Pradip Gangopadhyay's user avatar
1 vote

What was sita's fault?

thanks for posting your doubt. Recently I myself got this doubt cleared. So basically if we see translations of those slokas we might get different idea of things, to get real meaning of these things ...
bt23105006 Dhruv Gupta's user avatar
1 vote

Is Rama giving contradictory justifications for killing Vali?

Rama is not implying that human's morals, i.e he is not applying human dharma to vanaras. It was Sugreeva who did. In sargas 8 & 10 of Kishkinda Kanda (later too), Sugreeva tells Rama multiple ...
Vijay Sharma's user avatar
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Is watching movies immoral according to Hinduism?

Movies are modern day version of entertainment programmes, replacing drama enacted on a stage, singing by musicians, dances, etc. Even earlier days, people used to had entertainment in the ways that ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
1 vote

Is there any shloka in scriptures, which says "justice for all"

1) Truth alone wins Satyameva jayate 2) Concept of Rtam and Law of karma ref: Hinduism on Justice and Injustice ...
zaxebo1's user avatar
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