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Questions tagged [punyam]

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Is it true that full sin of wife is absorbed by the husband, and half virtue of the husband is transfered to the wife?

Is is true that half of husband's virtue (Punya) is transferred to the wife. All of wife's sin is absorbed by the husband. Does the virtue of wife also get transferred to the husband ? How true is ...
river's user avatar
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How to achieve punya in our lives and get human birth in next life?

Punya helps a soul to get human birth and get good reward for our action. What are the good karmic acts that a human being can carry out consciously to get huge amount of punya . Also what actions one ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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What karma should I do to get blessed with beauty and intellect in my next birth?

I have seen so many people till now who are very miserable because they were born ugly, poor, with less intelligence. And this world is cruel to ugly, poor and dumb people and there is no doubt about ...
Anurag's user avatar
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What does Hinduism says about earning anything through wrong means but using it for the benefit of others?

Example - A police man takes bribe(not his choice, but due to circumstances) from someone but he uses the money for good things like some charity, donations, feeding poor etc. So is it a papa or punya?...
LSSJ Broly's user avatar
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What is the biggest punya in Hinduism?

I know that Brahma hatya is the biggest sin in Hinduism. But can anyone tell me about the biggest punya in Hinduism?
Sanatan Darshan's user avatar
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Which verses is the Vamana Purana the following quote is from?

Whoever constructs or helps to construct a Vishnu temple will protect eight generations of fathers, grandfathers, and forefathers from falling into hell.
Anagha Gopal Dasa's user avatar
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Possessing ego for being "scripturally righteous" or being a sinner (knowingly or unknowingly): Which of the two is worse?

We all commit in some way or another various sins (pāpa) and good acts (puṇya). My question pertains to the situation: Suppose one person, might be conducting themselves in all righteousness (dharmic),...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Does God help only if Punya deposit is available?

There are several incidents in scriptures where God/nature helps immediately in case of any danger or panic situation if one prays for help. I can provide three such examples from Mahabharata: #1: ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "MOKSHA"? [duplicate]

How can one realize he has attained "MOKSHA" After becoming free several times, one can remember the accumulated experiences of hardships, depriving oneself of pleasure, abstinence through ...
user37920's user avatar
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What are the vedic definitions for paapa and punya?

Paapa and Punya are very famous words in Hinduism. I used to believe that whatever karma is performed by the humans, if recommended/accepted by scriptures, is called Punya else Paapa. But recently I ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Can you subtract sin with enough virtue? Scriptural quotes/activities/instruction to wipe out any and all sin!

I'm well aware that everyone's driven by the 3 modes of material nature! Reading of ways to get rid of sin is very different from LIVING and DOING the ways to get rid of sin. For instance, if I'm a ...
imperialgendarme's user avatar
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What is the difference between desire and papa and punya?

what is the difference between desire and punya and papa. Punya and papa also seems to be a desire because i like to give good things to that person which means i am desiring good things should be ...
harish android's user avatar
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Does the fruit of Mantra Japa automatically go to Indra if Japa Samarpana Mantra is not chanted?

Please let me know does all the mantra chanting energy go to Indra, if we don't chant the below Samarpanam mantra after mantra chanting: Devta: गुह्याति-गुह्य-गोप्ता-त्वं गृहाणास्मितकृतम् जपं। सिद्धि...
Ram's user avatar
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How much punya does Kanya Dana give?

How how much punya does the father get from a kanya dana? What is the phala for a kanya dana?
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Have any acharyas commented on taking a dip in sacred but infected rivers?

Background According to this article, an Australian woman became very ill after she took a dip in the sacred Ganges river at Varanasi. My love affair with Varanasi continued and I studied yoga at ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Is it a sin to alter or tamper with scriptures?

If a person interpolates scriptures with a good intent e.g., by replacing offending/controversial words/verses that are not current with the times, but doesn't disclose the modifications to maintain ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Is heaven a place of extreme happiness? If yes, how to solve the paradox of experiencing hell in heaven?

In Hinduism, is heaven (svarga) a place of extreme happiness? If yes, how to solve the paradox of experiencing hell (naraka) in heaven? This is better explained through the following an example. ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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What are various ways, as per Scriptures, by which we lose our Punya:Good Merits?

It is said that if we refuse to donate someone who has come to ask for donations, then our Punya is lost. What are other ways, as per Scriptures, which make us lose Good Virtues?
user avatar
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Making others feel good with words - Is it Punya Karma?

If I make some one feel good, irrespective who he is(good/evil, poor or rich, Boss or subordinate), by saying good words, good compliments, by praising for their achievements or good qualities. Can it ...
Babu's user avatar
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Punnya from donation / charity for married person in Hinduism

In Hinduism is it the case that:- If a married person does any charity from "His own earned income" (not from the income of his wife or forefathers), then half of his Punya is given to his ...
C Sharper's user avatar
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What happens if upadesha mantra is not chanted regularly?

What may happen if mantra chanting is stopped for few days because of busy life schedule? Will the punya or power earned by chanting it will be lost if chanted irregularly?
pbvamsi's user avatar
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What are best practices in chanting a mantra?

To my knowledge, mantra if chanted by knowing the meaning gives more result than chanting it without knowing the meaning. How do we know what will happen if a particular mantra is not pronounced (...
pbvamsi's user avatar
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If I donate at some place is it considered as good karma (Punya)?

Yesterday I was thinking about donating some money to charity who help people. But at the same time a thought come that if that money will be used for things other than help, say in bad things, then ...
Kiran's user avatar
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Why don't we remember our past lives?

If we remember our past lifes' mistakes then there are less chances of making that mistake again, at our good times we can understand it as result of our past good deeds/punyam and at bad times we ...
pbvamsi's user avatar
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