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Questions tagged [varnashrama]

It is the dharma propagated by Shastras involving 4 Varnas viz. Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudra; and 4 ashramas or stages of life viz. Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, Sannyasa.

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Confusion regarding Cure of Varnasankar in Dharmasutra

I was searching a cure for Varnasankarata, & found an answer of Rickross on an already existing Question about it's remedy. There Rick quoted Gautama Dharmasutra highlighting that the Seventh ...
Shitty Fits Inn's user avatar
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What is the source of this śloka starting with "viprāṇāṃ daivataṃ śambhuḥ"?

विप्राणां दैवतं शम्भुः क्षत्रियाणां च माधवः । वैश्यानां तु भवेद् ब्रह्मा शूद्राणां गणनायकः ॥ "Śiva is the deity of the Brāhmaṇas, Viṣṇu of the Kṣatriyas, Brahmā of the Vaiśyas, and Gaṇeśa of the ...
Śipiviṣṭa's user avatar
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How to ensure Brahminas don't step out of line regarding the law

The Dharmashastras forbid any capital punishments on Brahminas. While this is partly understandable as doing harm to a holy man is considered wrong, couldn't some Brahminas with evil intentions step ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Books Defending Caste and Untouchability

It is obvious that today's historians never place themselves in the shoes of past people and have a very one-sided and biased view of history looking at an individual over a societal level. I am ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Expiation for Chandalas and other mixed Varnas

Are their any dharmashastras or other vedic works which discuss how a Chandala through pious activities can reform himself into a respectable member of society and abandon the vile and disgusting jobs ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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What community of Brahmins have generally darker skin?

What community of Brahmins generally have darker skin? (I've seen some claims that varna is attached to skin color, and want to have evidence with which to possibly refute them.)
Haridasa's user avatar
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Generally Cruel Punishments in Dharmashastras and Unfair ones

Can someone explain to me the reason why most of the crueler punishments were to lower Varnas and the very nature of them being cruel and capital in nature? Seeing as the crime doesn't match the ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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The Metaphsyics of Varna

Clarification of Metaphsyics A clarification: By metaphysical I mean more the system in which it's decided and the various aspects of it ie what differs a Brahmin-Brahmin from a Brahmin-Chandala and a ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Books for Anyone Regarding the complex nature of Varna

I want books not modern ones, but ones by authentic religious personalities from olden times on the system of Varna and their differentitation of bodily and mental gunas. I would prefer a more ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Is Varna and Bodily Gunas have a similar system to genetics

Varna is based on birth or one's Gotra, but I found some similarities when studying simple Mendelian genetics keep in mind this is simple and not modern genetics. Now I am not saying necessarily that ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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How did one become a dasa and is it consented upon

From what I heard a dasa/shudra could consent to servitude. My question is how does one become a Dasa/Dasi?
Haridasa's user avatar
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Can Brahmin's give daan to lower Varnas if it helps them?

What is the view of giving daan to lower communities? Can I give daan to communities that would use it?
Haridasa's user avatar
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Regarding Mixed Castes in Mahabharta

So the Tirtha Yantra Parva of the Mahabharata says mixed castes are considered better than the original when purification rites are performed. (
Haridasa's user avatar
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How did people lose or gain āshramic adhikāras?

Not everyone has to go through all the 4 stages – Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Parivrajaka. A Shudra can only lead the 2nd phase (Grihastha) and is not entitled for the other three phases ...
Sourav Bhatnagar's user avatar
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Gunas and Varna better explanation

So I know the basics of Varna and the Gunas I have read the Bhagavad Gita, but I am still confused about the nature of Varna. Bhishma in the Anusasanika Parva describes a changing Varna to a Brahmana ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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If a person reverts back to sanatan dharma which varna does he belong

If a person do gharwapsi to sanatan dharma which varna does he belong Quote with scriptures Or his daily work will determine the varna??
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Protection from Kalki's wrath and re-establishment of Varnashrama

As discussed here: Definition and ritualistc rights of vrAtyas in the present day, it is clear that there are no pure Kshatriyas and Vaisyas today (there may have been at the start of Kali, but ...
Krishna's user avatar
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Which caste is "software developer"?

Advocates of the varnashrama dharma claim that we should follow the varna professions listed in the dharma shastras. For example: 10.47 - For Sūtas, the management of horses and chariots; for ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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If kshatriyas and vaishyas don't exist, who can take up arms and do farming?

For example, the shastra says only people born as kshatriyas and who have done upanayanam can be military or police: Manu 10.79 - For the Kṣatriya, carrying of arms and weapons. For the Vaiśya, ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Is there some kind of varnashram system among the Devatas

Since the varnashram system is an important part of Sanatan Dharma and since Sanatan Dharma applies to the whole brahmanda (at least according to the Vedic people), I was wondering if some sort of ...
Debbie's user avatar
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Was Dronacharya Brahmin or Kshatriya? or both? or neither?

Many people these days scream that varna is determined ONLY by guna & karma, not ONLY by janma. Dronacharya was a teacher, a brahmin by varna who followed his svadharma. Later in Kurukshetra war, ...
ram's user avatar
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Is Vaishya a dwija caste?

Is Vaishaya a dwija (twice born) caste ? If Vaishayas are dwija (twice born) then why does Gita put them in the same category as that of women and shudras ? Gita 9:32 O son of Prtha, those who take ...
river's user avatar
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Why do Vedantin matha-adhipatis take Sannyasa ashrama?

The matha-adhipatis of the Vedantic sects like Sri Vaishnavism, Smartha, and Madhva are sannyasis. In fact, taking up sannyasa ashrama is a requirement to become matha-adhipati. According to the ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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What are all the entities that are induced by ones kula (कुल)?

The word कुल is used across scriptures in different contexts. I am using the meaning of family here. Many entities are induced in an individual born in a kula. I want to know all the entities that are ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Manu Smriti and its laws on the social system: Can a Brahmin can compel a Sudra to be servile?

Is it true as stated in Manu Smriti that a Brahmin can compel a Sudra to be servile or it is an interpolation?
itha's user avatar
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What is purification process of chandala to change to shudra?

How chandala change his varna to shudra ? What purification process is mentioned in scripture ?
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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Did Shukracharya recite a mantra or did a ritual to ensure Yayati didn't incur the sin of begeting child from pratiloma marriage?

King Yayati was hesitant to marry Devayani as it would be a Pratiloma marriage. From Sambhava Parva Yayati, thereupon, replied, 'Beautiful one, I do not deserve thee. Thou art the daughter of Sukra ...
Artist Formerly Known As CSD's user avatar
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Proof of hereditary caste system in Vedas OR Ramayana and Mahabharata

Edit: This is not a duplicate question because this is a specific question asking for proof for caste being heridetary, not just what Vedas have to say about caste. Please understand the difference. ...
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Was ever Varna System based on Guna and/or Karm? [duplicate]

Was the Varna System ever based on Gunas? These few points made me to think over this question Number of combinations of Gunas are infinite as it is related to humane nature and the number of Varna ...
Alok's user avatar
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How Varna System being based on Guna works?

Varna System was based on Guna. This sounds so nice but how we can classify people based on Guna because ... Varna are only 4 and the number of Guna or combination of Gunas can be infinite as it's ...
Alok's user avatar
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Can Chandalas perform Shraddhas and offer obesences to their ancestors ? Can they do Panchamahayajnas? (Only as per Smritis Puranas Tantras etc )

A Sudra is allowed to perform Paka Yajnas without Mantras. Medhatithi in his Manu Smriti commentary 10.41 says Mixed Castes are of the nature of Śūdras,’—i.e., having the character of the Śūdra, they ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Who was the father of Sage Kavasa?

This story comes in Aitareya Brahmana the Risis, called the "middle ones" (Gritsamada, Visvamitra, Vaniadeva, Atri, Bharadvfija, Vasistha, see Asv. Grihya Sutras, 3, 4), hold once a ...
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Is there any counter example saying astrological varna and geetha varna are different?

Answers to this question says that astrological varna based on Zodiac sign of a person is same as the varna of a person assigned by Krishna. You can read the referred question for details. But still ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What are the rules for vanaprastha?

I want to know more about the tradition of vanaprastha. What are the norms of vanaprastha and who are entitled to it ? What are it's differences with Sanyasa ? also which texts they follow, do they ...
user19357's user avatar
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Is there any correction for varnasankara?

Is it true that the varna sankara in a lineage gets cleared after 7 generations, if it is not repeated in successive generations? If yes, please provide some scriptural evidence to support it.
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Under which varna do bureaucrats come?

Do modern day bureaucrats come under the kshatriya varna? Any example related to this from shastras?
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Isn't the varna determined, by the Vedic varnashram, by birth? [duplicate]

As far as I know, varnashram is originally a Vedic idea, by which Shudras that were Not recognised as dvija were Not entitled for Upanayana that usually used to take place at the age of 8-11 years of ...
Prakash RP's user avatar
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Which scripture mention that dattatreya belongs to fifth ashram?

The four ashramas in sanathan dharma are: Brahmacharya (student), Grihastha (householder), Vanaprastha (forest walker/forest dweller), and Sannyasa (renunciate). I heard that Dattatreya does not ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Which scriptures ordain honor killing as the punishment for marrying someone from a different Varna? [duplicate]

Is honor killing a Dharmic punishment for those who perform intercaste marriages?
RGH's user avatar
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Can a Shudra/Mleccha become a Guru if he is self realised?

Is a self realised shudra an exception to varna ashram dharma and can become guru? Or can he simply become mentor? And can he give any form of diksha to disciple?
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Varna of the Jatt people acc to Hindu scriptures?

It is said that Jatts are originally from central Asia and hence either pure Aryans or mixture of Aryan fathers and native Indian Rajanya women Have they been mentioned in the scriptures? Do they fall ...
RGH's user avatar
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What happens when a Brahmin maiden marries a Kshatriya man?

This question is about a man I know, who is the son of a Kashmiri Pandit mother and a Haryanvi Jatt father and he himself married a Kashmiri brahmin woman What kind of marriage is this and what ...
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Are the first/early members of each varna mentioned in the scriptures?

Verse 1.31 from the Manu Smriti But for the sake of the prosperity of the worlds he caused the Brahmana, the Kshatriya, the Vaisya, and the Sudra to proceed from his mouth, his arms, his thighs, and ...
chhatra's user avatar
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Brahmana eating food cooked by others

Vyasa quoting Manu says: SECTION XXXVII, Rajadharmanusasana Parva, Santi Parva If a Brahmana takes food that has been cooked by a Kshatriya, it diminishes his energy; if he takes the food provided by ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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Did demons also have a Varna system?

Is there any reference of a demon or rakshasa having a varna? Was the Varna system followed by Rakshasas?
Sanatan Darshan's user avatar
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Why do some people confuse Shudras with untouchables? [closed]

In various questions in this platform, I have seen people classifying Shudras as untouchables whereas in reality, Shudras are a caste within the pale of the Varnâshrama system but untouchables(...
অনু's user avatar
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Were there only three Varnas in Vedic Age?

Satapatha Brahmana II. 1.4.11 “(Uttering), ‘bhuh’, Prajapati generated this earth. (Uttering)‘bhuvah’ he generated the air, and (Uttering) ‘svah’ he generated the sky.This universe is co-extensive ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Can a Bramhana become Sudra in this Birth? Right here and now?

Are there any proofs from Shastras that a neglectful Bramhana becomes a Sudra in this birth?
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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What Advaita tells about Mlechha, Caste system, Varna Sanskara?

What Advaita tells about Mleccha can change religion to Hinduism? (Yes means which varna they will come. No means explanation of why they should not change religion) Please answer this question ...
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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What is the varna of Jambavan? [duplicate]

Many people in South India say that Jambavan is a dalit. Is it true? What do Ramayana and other scriptures say?
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar