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Questions tagged [creation]

For the question that deals with creation or manifestation of Universe.

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Ganesh and creation

I want to learn creation from maha ganapatis kathas. I have read this passage " The following story is written in Ganesha Upanishad. In the beginning, there existed only silence and darkness. ...
Nakura's user avatar
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Why do this universe needs to be destroyed at the end?

We all know that Parabrahma has created the universe as his desire. But, why does this universe need to get destroyed? Is there any reason mentioned for it?
Boovanaes's user avatar
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How the evil spirits (exclubing Asuras and Rakshasas), were created?

Everyone knows about the evil spirits (ex. Bhuta, Vetala and etc). But, how they are originated? Does any scriptures mention it?
Boovanaes's user avatar
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Questions regarding the creation of sentient animals

This answer peaked my interest into the origins of sentient animals in Ramayanam and Mahabhartam respectively. I always thought that the entire species of Apes and Monkeys were created sentient and ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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What is the realitionship between Saguna Brahman and Maya?

What is the relationship between Saguna Brahman and Maya? And which one is close to the word reality?
blue_ego's user avatar
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Where does exactly the trigunas reside or arise?

The hierarchy generally mentioned across texts includes five indriyas, manas, buddhi, and kshetranga. Buddhi is influenced by the trigunas (sattwa, rajas, and tamas), but the trigunas may not be ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Is it possible to realize the relationship between pancha mahabhootas and pancha tanmatras?

According to Sanatana Dharma, there is a relationship between the pancha mahabhootas (Earth, Wind, Space, Water, and Light/Fire) and the pancha tanmatras (sound, touch, form, taste, smell). There are ...
hanugm's user avatar
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How was Bhagwan Shiva born? [duplicate]

It is being said that Shiva is the father of Vishnu, Vishnu is the father of Brahma and Brahma is the father of Shiva. I want to know how did Brahma give birth to Shiva ?
river's user avatar
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What happened during Kartikeya's creation period?

Some days ago, learned about Brahma Sastha, a form of Lord Kartikeya. The Upadesha Khanda of Sankara Samhita of Skanda Purana narrates Lord Kartikeya temporary doing creation, which implies this form. ...
Boovanaes's user avatar
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How was Vishnu born?

It is being said that when Shiva poured Amrit on his left hand, Vishnu was born. I want to know it in details. Where it is written ? Apart from the above, Is there any other story of birth of Vishnu ?
river's user avatar
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Are there any refutations of Jinasena's criticism of Hindu (astika) philosophy?

From Sources of Indian tradition: The following example of Jain dialectic is taken from the Great Legend (Mahapurana), a lengthy poem in excellent Sanskrit, composed by the Digambara teacher Jinasena ...
just another user's user avatar
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Are there examples of creating new adult life without the normal biological process?

Two examples: Vishnu's avatara Narayana Rishi created Urvashi as a fully grown adult from hos thigh. Siva creating Virabhadra from a lock of his hair. Are there any others?
S K's user avatar
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Why is it believed that the universe exists within Brahma's dream despite being a conscious creation?

While dreaming is typically considered an unconscious process, and creating something consciously (may be 'sankalpa') is a distinctly separate activity. Mahabharata, for instance, outlines the ...
hanugm's user avatar
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why isnt god fixing everything?

I have heard that knowledge is like a sword and depends on the wielder how he uses it, so my question is why not only create people who wants the welfare of everyone? Someone plz help what kind of a ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Is there a book of logic by god , god giving reasons?

God talking about why did he create universe particularly why? Did god ever give his discourse on reason, why did he not create everything peaceful? God talking by logic, just pure reasoning?
Shiv's user avatar
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What is the reason of god not interfering in the working of the world?

In the answer god only helps yogis but the question is why? What is the reason of god not interfering? Why doesn't god interfere in the working of the world?
Shiv's user avatar
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What kind of experiences does god want to share?

I have read in HSE that God created this world to share His experiences. However not everyone gets the same experience. Some are rich while others are poor. Some are happy while others are sad. There ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Why didn't God just create heaven?

I am pretty sure there would have been enough sports in heaven why create anything else why didn't just create youth and happiness?
Shiv's user avatar
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Why did god create bad people?

I want to praise and appreciate god I want to serve and be devoted to god but bad people start to make me even doubt the existence of god. I cant really fully devote myself to god because of these ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Does Shiva ever die ? And what about Vishnu?

Brahma has a certain lifespan - 100 Years ( Brahmlok years) But what about Shiva ji and Vishnu ji ? Do, they also die ? Does Shiva die at the end of this universe ? And Does Vishnu die at the end of ...
river's user avatar
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How were various organisms created by Brahma?

How were various organisms were created by Brahma ? Were humans first created and then 84L organisms were created ? I want the answer strictly according to Hindu scriptures.
river's user avatar
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Creation of the universe then earth

Does Hinduism state that the universe, stars and the sun were created first then the earth second with a continuous process of creation of stars and planets?
Huran's user avatar
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Does any Hindu Philosophical School explicitly advocate for the cyclical nature of creation?

I know in the Puranas, the cyclical nature of the universe (repeated creation and destruction) is described. However, I am wondering whether any orthodox Hindu philosophical school explicitly supports ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Why are there contrasting creation stories in Hinduism?

I have so far read two contrasting creation stories in Hindu mythology. One was in the book Shakti Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand, where Sri Brahma, seated on a lotus, grew out of Sri Narayana's ...
Rudrani Mahadevi's user avatar
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Where does the primal desire come from which animates Pradhana?

In reading an overview of Hindu Cosmology, I see info about Pradhana: Pradhana, which has no consciousness or will to act on its own, is initially agitated by a primal desire to create. The different ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
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explain with reference to bhagavat geeta "why humans feel "I"

With reference to chapter 7 sloka 6 and the commentary offerred by sri T.N.Sethumadhavan at (a) the three divinly components viz para, apara prakruthis and the soul are ...
venkata snc peesapati's user avatar
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What all things change after each Manvantara?

Like I know that the names of Manu changes. So does the name of Indra and the Saptarishis. What other things/names change ? And are all events of each kalpa identical to each other ?
Arijeet Tripathy's user avatar
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How were women created by the Cosmic Man?

How were woman created by the Brahma or Cosmic man ? Women must have been created separately from men . What is the story of their creation ?
river's user avatar
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Who were Brahma's Manasputras? How many of them were there?

According to Hindu Puranas, in the beginning, Mahavishnu created Brahma. Then, Brahma created his Manasputras. How many Manasputras were there? Who were they? Please give direct reference from Puranas....
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Are the next and previous universes same or identical?

We know that time is cyclic in Hinduism[Time in Hinduism] and universes are created and destroyed every time. So, are the new and old universes identical in every way?
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Is there any text that describes creation stories in chronological order?

It creates lot of confusion when incarnation has the same name. For example, Laxmi was daugther of Khyati and also emerged from Samudra manthana; Daksha was son of Brahma and later became son of ...
YDS's user avatar
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What were the different theories of origin of Universe as per Matsya and Kurma Puranas?

How was the Universe created according to Matsya and Kurma Puranas? Each Purana had it's own theory for origin of Universe. (Please cite references from the Puranas)
Celestial's user avatar
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Why does the Universe exist?

If I am Brahman as Shankara states: I am other than name, form and action. My nature is ever free! I am Self, the supreme unconditioned Brahman. I am pure Awareness, always non-dual. — Adi ...
Alex Douglas's user avatar
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Why do Atma and Parmatma split if they are one after all?

As per Advaita philosophy, the ultimate goal of an Atma is to merge into its source, the Parmatma just like drops of water merge into the ocean but my question is how and why do Atma and Parmatma ...
Sanatani's user avatar
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Creation according to Shaivism

Where can I find a detail description of creation of the universe where Shiv is unexpressed and Shakti is the dynamic expression of the universe we experience?
Jay Thakar's user avatar
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Hindu timeline versus evolution theory [closed]

Hindu timeline says that the universe is created and destroyed in a cyclic way (for 84 times) and each cycle consists of 4 phases, namely, Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dwapara-yuga and Kali-yuga. It is ...
Ved Gupta's user avatar
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How are Yakshinis of very beautiful bodies while Yakshasa are dwarfish?

How are Yakshinis of very beautiful bodies while Yakshasa are dwarfish? Yakshasa sometimes are depicted as formidable warriors. Are the formidable warriors' bodies of the Yakshasa their true bodies?
salah's user avatar
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Why god choose earth for life, why not others?

I want to know that why god choose earth for life and why not other planet. He is god after all and could have choose to create organism which can sustain as life in other planets the. Why only earth ...
manish's user avatar
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How was Sun created as per Vedas? Anyway to reconcile the different creation accounts?

Different Vedas seem to make different claims about how the Sun was created: Breath of god Atharva Veda 19.27.7 “With vital breath the Gods produced the Sun whose face turn every way.” Eye of Brahma/...
Sanatan Darshan's user avatar
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Who is the real creator of heaven and earth as per the Vedas?

In different hymns Vedas talk about different creators of heaven and earth. How to reconcile these differences? Who is the real creator? Indra Rig Veda 8.36.4 “Creator of the heaven, creator of the ...
Sanatan Darshan's user avatar
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If purusha, prakriti and parmeshwar are eternal, did god not create them?

Once a Christian asked me this question that the Vedic deities did not create anything, because Hindu scriptures say that purusha(soul) and prakriti (matter) are eternal like god. Mahrishi Dayand ...
Sanatan Darshan's user avatar
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How did this world got manifested as per Vedas? [duplicate]

According to Puranas, the world is created/manifested as per respective supreme deities. Also different sects have different philosophies. But my question is, how did this universe manifested as per ...
TheLittleNaruto's user avatar
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Is world an output of imagination?

Is world is just an output of imagination? and all the people (family, friends) are an output of imagination and not real? If yes, how it happens, when and why this imagination occurs.
M14's user avatar
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What is the necessity for a karmic loop?

My understanding is that prarabdha karma affects the current janma, and the current janma's positive and negative karma cumulatively gets added to that prarabdha and the cycle continues ad infinitum, ...
Vandan Revanur's user avatar
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Does each universe has different Veda?

It is said that from Brahman uncountable universes are emanated. Every Multiverse has different Brahma. Something like following image. My question is do these multiverses have same Veda or different?
Lokesh's user avatar
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Who is responsible for the creation of Earth, Lord Shiva or Adhishakti?

Who is responsible for the creation of Earth, Lord Shiva or Adhishakti?
ThinkGeek's user avatar
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Why has God created material system/universe?

Was He not satisfied with His Transcendental worlds? Why He manifested (tranformed into gross and subtle components) His illusionary material potency "maya", somewhat a punishment based system of ...
user30612's user avatar
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Shiva and Brahma's severed head

I came across this video on youtube, which mentions Shiva's dance after severing Brahma's fifth head and being explained the nature of what was created; can this story be found in any scripture? ...
Henry's user avatar
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How was the Moon created according to Veda/Puranas/Upanishads?

There are many questions and answers about creation of the Universe on the stackexchange. However, I am interested in finding out how and when the Moon was created. Please share also the relevant ...
sidharth chhabra's user avatar
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In Which Upanishad Can I Find The Story of the Creation of the Universe by Brahman?

I only know a very basic narrative of the Brahman mythology - Brahman splits itself into Trimurti (Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu) and Trimurti give rise to countless other forms and consciousness. ...
ss3592's user avatar
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