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Questions tagged [sanskrit]

Sanskrit an ancient Indo-European language of India, in which the Hindu scriptures and classical Indian epic poems are written and from which many northern Indian (Indic) languages are derived.

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Is it "Bhagavad (भगवद्)" -- "GitA/Gitā (गीता)" or "Gita (गीत)"? [duplicate]

As already discussed here: Why we put 'A' after each Hindu name?, the subsequent "a" in an English transliteration word, is to interpret the Sanskrit word for full pronunciation. Example: ...
iammilind's user avatar
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Anecdote about KalidAsA [closed]

I'm reading this famous anecdote about KalidAsa, the great Indian poet. However it is written in Sanskrit and so, I have certains gaps in my interpretation. Here's how I've interpreted the story in ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Which one is grammatically accurate krishna saranagati mantra?

||श्री कृष्णः शरणं मम|| ||श्री कृष्णं शरणं मम|| ||श्री कृष्णाय शरणं मम|| ||श्री कृष्ण शरणं मम|| I see all these various forms online. Which one is correct grammatically?
Aks's user avatar
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What is the meaning of Indra?

Like there is a meaning of the word Shiva which is explained here, what is the meaning of Indra?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
6 votes
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Is Sanskrit considered divine language to those of the Hindu faith?

Is Sanskrit considered divine language to those of the hindu faith? If so why? I am not Hindu, but I am interested in this topic.
Ken Graham's user avatar
4 votes
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What's the English transliteration of this Sanskrit mantra? [closed]

Can someone please give me the English transliteration of this Sanskrit mantra? How do you say it in English?
Vyper's user avatar
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Sanskrit and Sounds of Lord Shiva

I recently heard in "Veda parichaya" in a local channel that the sounds of the alphabet(Sanskrit) originated from Lord Shiva’s ‘damru’. Can anyone elaborate on these sounds and their relation to ...
RBz's user avatar
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What script did Ganesha write the Mahabharata in?

The first chapter of the Adi Parva of the Mahabharata describes how Vyasa dictated the Mahabharata to Ganesha, who wrote it down: Brahma said. 'I esteem thee for thy knowledge of divine mysteries, ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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How to learn Sanskrit from scratch? [duplicate]

Is there any resource to learn Sanskrit which uses no other language other than Sanskrit? It may seem like paradox but I want to learn Sanskrit in most natural way which involves no translations. ...
tejasvi's user avatar
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In the Vedas, does the word 'manuṣya' ever have a special meaning?

The Sanskrit word 'manuṣya' ordinarily means 'a man, a human being'. In the four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda & Atharvaveda), are there any situations or contexts where the word 'manuṣya' ...
Dhammadhatu's user avatar
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iikArAnthaH shabda declension of nalinI [closed]

I know that in Sanskrit, there is nadI shabda for IkArAnthaH. For the name, nalinI, which is also IkArAnthaH strIlinga, would the declensions be the following? 1st - {nalinI, nalinyau, nalinyaH}, ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Meaning of the " tri " in trishulam - Is it english or sanskrit?

The word trishul I think denotes the three points of the shulam. The "tri" in trishulam = is it from Sanskrit or English like trinity.
vijain's user avatar
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Fourth Brâhmana - what is the Sanskrit word for "seized"?

A translation of a verse in the Fourth Brâhmana states: Now as the sounds of a drum, when beaten, cannot be seized externally (by themselves), but the sound is seized, when the drum is seized or ...
Dhammadhatu's user avatar
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What's the meaning of these verses of 'The Horse' hymn in RigVeda?

Here are the two verses in question from Rigveda Book 1 Hymn 163 यदक्रन्दः परथमं जायमान उद्यन समुद्रादुत वा पुरीषात | शयेनस्य पक्षा हरिणस्य बाहू उपस्तुत्यं महि जातं ते अर्वन || Here's the ...
Candid Zapper's user avatar
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Correct pronunciation of Lord Savitr

Gayatri Mantra is dedicated to Lord Savitr. In the Hindi version of both Wikipedia pages, different pronunciations are given. The former says it's "सवित्र", while the latter says it's "सवितृ". ...
MathGod's user avatar
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Where are the Sanskrit texts of Upanishads referred by Dara Shikoh?

Wikipedia states : Dara Shikoh subsequently developed a friendship with the seventh Sikh Guru, Guru Har Rai. Dara Shikoh devoted much effort towards finding a common mystical language between ...
MathGod's user avatar
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Can anyone here tell me how a Sanskrit word changes if prefixed with प्र , वि, अ, परि ।

I was trying to understand these Sanskrit Mahavakya & word respectively- प्रज्ञानम् ब्रह्म। Why not विज्ञानं ब्रह्म ? विज्ञानभैरवतंत्र। Why not प्रज्ञानभैरवतंत्र? What's the difference between ...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
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What are couplets called in Sanskrit?

I know that quatrains are called pAdas in Sanskrit. But what is the technical term for couplets in Sanskrit? I'm having lots of trouble identifying this.
Jonathan's user avatar
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How to pronounce ऋ in Rig Veda

I am from North India and everyone pronounce this vowel ऋ as रि. I know this is wrong because vowel is a constant sound and when रि is pronounced for long it only comes as इ which is wrong. I did some ...
Lokesh's user avatar
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Difference/Relation between Varna and Jati

We know that there are four Varna(वर्ण) called Brahmin, kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. I found words/terms like Jati(जाति) and Jnati(ज्ञाति) are also used to convey similar meanings. One another ...
Pandya's user avatar
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Do Nastika and Astika have direct translations in English? [duplicate]

We have a gross translation of Astika and Nastika as theism and Atheism. However, the etymology of Nastika (na-asti-ka) seems to indicate 'someone who does not believe in what exists`. Is there an ...
user1952500's user avatar
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Representation of number 0-9 in Sanskrit shloka

Is there any Shloka for number's from 0-9? I wanted to know if there is any specific shloka to represent/say these numbers apart from ekam/eka, dwi...etc Explanation - I need a verse or a rhyme ...
Techidiot's user avatar
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Meaning of the word 'Vyasa'

Ved Vyasa is a title which is given to new Vyasa in every Chaturyuga, in this Chaturyuga it is Given to the great Krishna Dwaipayana son of Bramharishi Parashara. The word Vyasa is a related to ...
Yogi's user avatar
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Correct gender version of Sanskrit name तेजस्वी or tejasvī

Not sure if this is a relevant question for this site. Is Tejasvi, a masculine or feminine term or name in Sanskrit? Any references from Hindu scripture or Sanskrit literature on how this word is ...
Krishna Priya's user avatar
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Why is Brahma referred as Viranchi in Scriptures?

In some scriptures Brahma is referred as Viranchi (विरञ्चि): Whenever I see sun raising in early morning, following mantra automatically pops out from my mind/month: नमः सवित्रे जगदेकचक्षुषे । ...
Pandya's user avatar
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Who is called Arihant?

Just like the titles Paramahamsa and Siddha, Arihant also denotes spiritual progress. But why is someone called Arihant and at what stage of spritiual progress? The earliest reference to Arihant is ...
Pinakin's user avatar
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Why we put 'a' after each Hindu name?

For example: Yog becomes Yog'a' or Krishn -> Krishna; same way Ram -> Rama
Khanjan's user avatar
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What is the meaning of shrimad?

I have notice and seen, and also everybody knows about 'shrimad' before the bhagvadgeeta. shrimad title is also used before title of shrimad bhaagwat and rishi's like shrimad adi shankaracharya. I ...
Abhishek Gurjar's user avatar
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Is ॐ Gam Ganapataye Namaha correct, or ॐ Gan Ganapataye Namaha correct?

According to you What is correct ॐ Gam Ganapataye Namaha or ॐ Gan Ganapataye Namaha ?
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Why did they invent Sanskrit as Veda language not any other script?

I've a doubt since long time, I thought this is the best place to ask. How did Sanskrit has become main language in ancient times? Why did they choose Sanskrit as Veda language? Does those Veda hymns ...
Ram's user avatar
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What Mleccha languages are used in the Vedas according to Purva Mimamsa?

As I discuss in this question, by far the most popular school of Hindu philosophy is the Vedanta school, which bases its tenets on the doctrines laid out in the Brahma Sutras, a work by the sage Vyasa ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Sanskrit examples of Ghanapatha recitation?

How exactly does Ghanapatha work and can someone point me to examples? I have heard that Ghanapatha is a very useful way of preserving information by combining phrases in different permutations. For ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Original sanskrit e-book of 'Tripura Rahasya'

Can someone post me a free downloadable link to the original Sanskrit e-book of 'Tripura Rahasya'? I have the English translation given by Wikipedia. But I was in need of the Sanskrit version. Could ...
Anil Kagi's user avatar
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The Mysterious Origin of the Divine Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit has been termed as "Language of the Gods". Its versatility and power have even been extolled by the modern scholars of linguistics. Sri Panini helped to codify the classical form of ...
Nehal Patel's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "Swasti na Indro Vridhhashravaha..."?

This mantra is very famous, mostly also used in TV shows while showing Yajnas. This is also known as Shanti Path Mantra: ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः शृणुयाम देवाः । भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः । स्थि...
Tezz's user avatar
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What did Swami Vivekananda mean when he said "God spoke in Sanskrit"?

I read this quote by Swami Vivekananda: God spoke once. He spoke in Sanskrit, and that is the divine language. What did he mean by this?
Amit Saxena's user avatar
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Is Sanskrit the oldest language? Is it older than Pali?

Hindu texts are written in Sanskrit, were Hindu texts written before Pali texts?
Triyugi Narayan Mani's user avatar
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Is Brahmi Script older than Devanagari Script? If yes, how this can be reconciled with ॐ Parvat?

Sanskrit Language is believed to have no written native script. History says Brahmi Script was used for Sanskrit Language during the reign of legendary Emperor Ashoka which was around 3rd century BC. ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
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How ॐ (OM) is written in Brahmi Script?

Sanskrit is said to be originated from "Drums of Lord Shiva". There's a famous story of Panini composing grammar of Sanskrit from sounds (Maheswara Sutras) of lord Shiva's Damaru. Panini was a ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
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What is Meaning of Omkar [duplicate]

What is meaning of Sanskrit word Omkar/Aumkar and Omkareshwar. Please don't tell me that its jyotirlinga, I already know it, I want to know the meaning of word Omkar.
Aumkar's user avatar
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Correct way to chant Lord Shiva's name

When people recite Lord Shiva's name, they often do it in couplets, such as 'Shiva Shiva', 'Shiva Shiva', etc. My question is: What is the correct pronunciation: "Shiva" - or - "Siva"? I know ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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According to ShankarAchArya in Advaita, is the universe "unreal" or "unworthy"?

Recently I came across one of the key quote, which sums up Adi ShankarAchArya's Advaita philosophy: The Brahman of the Upanishads is the only Reality, and everything else—this world of manifoldness—...
iammilind's user avatar
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Meaning of Citta?

The most prolific usage of the concept of 'Chittam' is in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. The word is most identified with as part of 'Shat-Chit-Anandam' meaning existance-conciousness-bliss according to ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Where is Surapadman in Sanskrit scriptures?

Kandha Puranam is a very revered Tamil scripture that talks about the glories of Lord Muruga (or Kartikeya). It was written by Kachiyappa Sivacharyar as the Tamil equivalent of Skanda Purana, and ...
Surya's user avatar
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What are the etymologies of the words brahman (ब्रह्मन्) and brāhmaṇa/brahmin (ब्राह्मण)?

In Sanskrit there's brāhmaṇa (ब्राह्मण), which is a term used for people, and para-brahman (परब्रह्मन्), which is a term used for gods. What are the etymologies of the words brahman (ब्रह्मन्) and ...
Sparkler's user avatar
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Any mantras that are not of Sanskrit origin?

Are there any spells (mantras) in Hinduism which are not in Sanskrit, but in other languages. I came across a mantra in Awadhi dialect of Hindi, it's something about blessings for studying and was ...
Mohak Sahu's user avatar
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Authenticity of Sanskrit Verses containing the word "HINDU"

We all know that the word Hindu is a Persian word for the Sindu river and was later used to refer to the region to other side of the Sindu river as Hindustan which then became India. But this page ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
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Why is Kripacharya known as 'Samitinjaya'

In the Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta, Chapter 1, when Duryodhana describes his warheads to Dronacharya, he uses everybody's name but he refers to Kripacharya as 'Samitinjaya'. Why does he use Samitinjaya (it ...
Yogi's user avatar
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Which scripts have been used to write Sanskrit?

Clip from Angkor Thom, about 1200 CE. Some early Cambodian inscriptions are written in Sanskrit. Is it true that these Sanksrit insciptions do not use the Devanagari script but instead the Khmer ...
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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Vardhanti - Birth Anniversary or Death Anniversary or Both?

Vardhanti - Birth Anniversary or Death Anniversary or Both? In Telugu Language, Vardhanti will be called/termed only for Death Anniversary Recently I came to know that in Kannada - Vardhanti will be ...
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